35.In search for him

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Yibo was helping his mom in kitchen when he received a call from Mrs.Jiang.

Hello mom!

Yibo!!! Zhan...


Zhan left the house and we don't know where he is...

But mom!!

Please come back as soon as possible....

Ok mom! I'm coming...

When Yibo disconnected the call he was worried 😟
Mrs.Jiang's voice was enough to make him realize that something was wrong with Zhan but what happened to him suddenly.
Yibo was in his thoughts when his mom's voice brought him back....

What happened bobo...why so worried...

Omma something is wrong with Zhan ge...but I don't know..

What now?

Omma I'm going back...

Ok...but take care of yourself and Also Zhan...

Ok mom...

Yibo got ready to go when his father came...

Bobo....are you already going back...

Oh..appa I forget to tell you...I'm going back because something is wrong at home so mom called me...that's why I'm leaving...

Ok...go but remember what I said yesterday and take care...

Yes appa...

Giving a hug to his father Yibo left for Xiao Mansion.

When he reached there he saw Mrs.Jiang was sitting on sofa. Her face was looking like she was crying and Yubin was beside her trying his best to stop her from crying when She saw Yibo she ran toward him and grabbed his both hands with hers...

Yibo I'm sorry...I'm sorry whatever I said to you was wrong also I'm sorry for whatever I did with you but please bring my son back please Yibo....

Mom...don't say sorry...and please stop crying...I promise to you I bring him back...

Yibo tried his best to console Mrs.Jiang and made her rest in her room.
When he make sure that she was fine and resting on her bed Yibo came in hall and talked to Yubin...

Yubin...do you know where Zhan ge went??

No Yibo of course not...only if I had known...

Okay I believe...but have you any idea where he can go and what happened suddenly that he went away somewhere without telling anyone.

Actually when we called him for breakfast in the morning he denied...his mood was probably not right...so we let it go but when we were eating suddenly we heard noises from room and when we reached their...

What happened????

His hand was bleeding and broken mirror pieces were all over on floor.

Zhan ge was hurt???🥺
Who went in his room to invite him for breakfast??

Actually Ziyi...she said to aunty that she is going to wake up Zhan...so Ziyi...

So...it's something that Ziyi did...
I'm sure she knows well what happened to Zhan ge and where he went...let's go to her...

Actually Yibo...Ziyi is not here...she went Japan for her shoot and her mobile number is unreachable so...

Yibo was worried as hell for Zhan for some time his mind went blank. Pain in heart and worries in mind that's all Yibo was feeling he was praying for Zhan's safety. But he encouraged himself.
You have to be strong bo you need to find Him...yes be strong...everything will be alright...

Yibo are you alright??

Yubin worriedly tapped on Yibo's shoulder.

Yes!!! I'm fine...let's go Yubin...first give me name of all places where he can go...I'll sort it out...

Ok 👍

Yubin made a list in his tab where Zhan can go....list was quite long...but Yibo being strong willed person started to search for the person...
Yubin was also going at the places in search of his friend...but Zhan was nowhere to be found...

As time was passing Yibo was loosing his mind...he tried to call Zhan almost thousand times but in starting his call was being disconnected after sometime number got switched off.
They were exhausted by going here and there one place to another place but the person was not there and every time when Yibo didn't found Zhan he became sad 😔

He was loosing hope...Yubin received call that Mrs.Jiang got fever 🤒

Yibo...let's go back...aunt Jiang got fever and she is alone at home??

What about Cheng and Mr. Jiang?

Cheng is with Ziyi...and uncle is on business trip...so we need to go back...

No!!!!!! I mean Yubin...please do me a favor go and take care of mom...and I'll go in search of Zhan ge...

But...Yibo...you..alone...I mean it's already 7 pm and you don't know driving....

Don't worry Yubin....I'll take a taxi or cab...

Ok then...I am going at Xiao Mansion...you go...in search of him...


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Show some love, I know I am not writing so good but I'm trying my best...this is my first fanfic...🥲

Thanks for reading 😊

Thank you izzyiva for supporting and for you precious comments 🙏🏻 ❤️
Thanks to all of you who are supporting this story....🤗

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