The Window

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I peeked out the curtains. I was being nosy. I was always nosy. We had gotten new neighbors today. So naturally I wanted to see what they looked like. Going outside and introducing myself seemed like a lot of work, so instead I decided to look like a stalker and peek out my window.

"You know you can go over there and meet them. Instead of staying in here all antisocial," my mom said from behind me. She must have snuck into my room while I was going all stalker mode.

I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed.

"I am not antisocial. I do perfectly fin in social situations," I told her with a smile on my face.

"Yeah if the social situation is you yelling at the TV, then yeah you do great," she said sarcastically. If it wasn't clear my mom seems to think I'm a social outcast that stays indoors 24/7 and fangirls over celebrities I will never meet. I mean she's right to a certain extent, but I was social. I was like a social butterfly.

"Stop lying to yourself," she told me before walking out of my room. How did she do that? She always seemed to know what I was thinking Maybe it was mother's intuition. Is that what they called it? Hell if I know. I'm not a mom. Gosh all this stuff with my mom made me miss the neighbors. I guess I'll have to see them next time.

It had been a few weeks since our new neighbors moved in, and I had finally got my peek at them. I've gotten many peeks after that as well considering my mom befriended the lady. Her name was Emily and her husband name was Paul they had a son my age named Ray. I didn't really talk to their son, and I only spoke to Emily when she came to see my mom. From what I saw of Ray, he was quite attractive. Sure he wasn't Niall Horan, but still very attractive. I won't be talking to him anytime soon.

I walked out the door to go socialize with my friends. Ha! Take that mom! Of course my whole argument of me being social flew out the window, because Ray himself was walking up to me. I could make a run for it. No, that would just make me look stupid. You are stupid though. Wait, no I'm not! While I was arguing with myself the boy had approached me. Shoot! I was screwed now. Gosh life hates me.

"Hey you're Naomi, right?" He asked me. I just nodded. He smiled at me. "I'm Ray," he said while sticking out his hand. I looked down at the hand in front of me. Was I supposed to shake it? I just met this boy and already he was trying get me to hold his hand. He was moving way too fast. He cleared his throat as his hand retreated. I felt kind of bad now.

"Um yeah I know who you are," I said then realized how weird that sounded. "I don't stalk you or anything. Okay so when you first got here I guess I kind of looked stalker like, but it was with your whole family not just you. Ugh what I'm trying to say is that your mom told me about you. Not because I asked! She just told me. I had no control over it what so ever," I rambled. God I was such an idiot. Why did I even speak? He just laughed. He laughed! This was no laughing matter. This was a serious situation.

"You're funny," he said still laughing. I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. I wasn't even trying to be funny. I was just an awkward girl talking to a cute guy.

"I'm sorry. I'm not used to talking to cute guys,' I blurted out. I face palmed myself. Oh my god! What in the world is wrong with me? He just laughed again. This seriously wasn't funny. It was embarrassing.

"You're cute too," he said. I blushed even more now. He should go now, before I could embarrass myself any further. Wait I could just leave. Yeah that's much easier. Why wasn't I moving?

"Erm, thanks?" I said, but it came out more like a question. Yup, I should definitely leave now. I coughed and scratched my head. "Uh I should go now," I said as I turned around to walk back into my house.

"Wait," he said. Ugh why? I turned back around

"Yes?" I asked him.

"We should hang out sometime," he said while smiling. I did not hear that right. I had to be hearing things.

"What?" I asked him.

"We should hang out sometime," he repeated himself.

I looked at him and blinked a few times. This has never happened before.

"You want to hang out with me?" I asked him. He laughed again. He seemed to have a habit of laughing at me.

"Yeah. You seem fun," he said while shrugging. Wow, this was a first.

"Um, Okay. Yeah sure," I told him smiling. He smiled back at me.

"Great so I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked me. I nodded and smiled. He smiled back and walked to wherever he was going. I was going to hang out with neighbor. Who, might I add, is a boy. A cute boy. Not so antisocial now am I?

Naomi 1 Mom 0


Okay so this is just a short story I already had written. Let me us know what you think. We'll post more if you guys like it.

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