A Mysterious Dream...

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No! Ruoquang! don't try to save me.. it's my fate that I should d..

But I can't live without you! Said Ruoquang.

Do you really want the moon jade sword? As in return what will you offer me ? Asked the ultimate goddess.

I...I will give you my life.... Said Ruoquang.

Fine your wish is granted....( Moon jade sword appears ). Please don't do that Ruoquang!(Ruoquang stabs herself with the sword). I wish that we will meet again and grow old together like we dreamt to do....said Ruoquang.

No! I LOVE YOU! Please don't leave me alone again! Ruoquang!said Duofang. Bye...silly...boy......//.....

Reba!Reba!wakeup! (wakes up) What is it grams?asked Reba

What happened?! It's 8 am and you...you are still sleeping? shouted at Reba.
Sorry grams I...aa....I over slept again..replied Reba. I know what you will tell, but no need of saying those silly stories to me! Go, go and get ready for breakfast.said to reba. Ok...(reba fresh up and gets ready for breakfast).

Reba!Meilang! the breakfast is ready! (Reba thinking about her dream and comes to dinning area holding her locket ) [Inner voice] Mother,I don't know why am I getting this dream again and again...please show me a way to solve this...[Outer voice] Coming!

Good morning Father - Good morning Father Said both of them. Sit down dears said Bai lang. (Starts eating) Meilang how are you doing your chores lately?asked bailang.
Good father replied. How about you reba? Asked Bailang. I..I am in 3rd level of doing it replied reba. Not bad reba..you have improved alot these days..said Bai lang.
Father, I believe in my sister that she will make us proud said Meilang. Thank you Father, thank you sister I will try my level best said reba.

Time skips

Reba thinking about her dream and doing her chores on marital arts, suddenly clouds forms and winds blow passing her, shaking of trees Who is there?! Reba asked. Reba thinks for a few seconds, Show yourself first! Reba shouts. You are a very poor martial arts student, can u bear if I show my real self to you!? A Mysterious voice answers reba question. I can! Reba replies. Then prepare your self to see me the voice replies.
[ Reveals ] [Inner voice] Dang!? [Shocked!].

 [ Reveals ] [Inner voice] Dang!? [Shocked!]

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