-forty three-

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"No, you seriously have to arrest her now! She's like right there! In the same house as the person she's threatening to kill!" Sunghoon shouted in exasperation, losing his patience over the police, who did not seem to have any intention of going to arrest Saena.

"We need to look through the evidence first. Please be patient." The policeman sitting at the desk explained.

"Why can't you just take her in and question her!? Do you not see how bad those parcels are?!" Sunghoon was on the verge of losing it.

"Even if we wanted to, we would need an order to arrest her. So, I'm sorry, we can't do much."

"What the hell? I swear-" Sunghoon was held back by Sunoo.

"Yah, don't. We just have to tell Haera what happened."

"But that crazy person is right there! How can we just let her be!?"

"But we can't really do anything."

"Ugh." Sunghoon groaned in frustration and turned away, taking a deep breath to calm himself.

"How about this, officer. Why not you send a few officers to follow us back to our friend's house as a safety precaution? You don't have to arrest anyone, just be there so the suspect doesn't try to do anything." Heeseung calmly offered. The officer attending to them thought for a while before nodding in agreement.

"Alright, I'll get 2 other officers to come with me."

"Thank you. You can follow behind our van." Heeseung bowed in respect before dragging the other two with him.

"Heeseung hyung saves the day." Sunoo happily said.

"Let's not pat ourselves on the back so early. I'm counting on that girl to expose herself and then they can arrest her. Hopefully Haera has a plan to make that girl drop the act."

"I just hope the police aren't corrupted like they are in Kdramas." Sunghoon muttered.

"Ehhhhhh 50-50." Sunoo chuckled nervously as the trio got into their van and headed back to Haera's house.

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"So, what food shall we prepare for the party? The usual?" Haera's mom asked with a smile.

"Of course, Mrs Jung. I especially love your Shepard's pie." Saena said.

"Oh, thank you dear."

Haera sat there with a poker face. 'I want to kill her.'

"What about you, Haera? What kind of food would you like?" Mrs Park asked.

"Uh, I eat about everything, so I'd like anything you serve. Thank you."

"It must be nice not having a picky eater for a daughter, huh? My Saena has a list of food she absolutely avoids eating."

'Maybe if you hadn't raised her to be a spoilt brat, she wouldn't be such a picky eater.'

"Oh, Haera is also picky with certain food. But at least she eats whatever I cook."

'At least I'm much better than that btch. Be grateful, mom.'

"Well, I will ask the other mothers what they would bring to the party. Also, don't forget desserts. We should discuss more in the chatgroup." Mrs Park said.

"Of course. Must you leave now?"

"Yes, unfortunately. Saena has piano class in an hour."

"Oh, then I'll walk you out. This w- Who could that be? Sorry, excuse me." Haera's mothed went to check the surveillance TV of the door as the doorbell rang.

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now