Her Past

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Wednesday Pov

*7 years ago*

I was walking to class. I was dressed in  a rainbow skirt and a unicorn-shirt with two braids. The two braids were coloured in blue and pink. As always I was very colourful and happy. I sayed too all hello and continue to walk to class.
As I came in to class all students teased me because I was as always very colourful.
The kicked me in the stomach and i didn't kicked them back because that's rude.
After a while I was geting bullied. Just  because of my looks, I found it ridicoulus but it hurt me. After school I was always in my room crying. It was too much to me. In the 6th grade I had an idea: I must change so that everyone is scared of me and won't talk to me ever again!
So I changed...
I wore just black or white and was cold to everyone, but because of that I didn't had friends bit that didn't bother me. I don't need friends.I can do stuff on me own. And my plan did  worked, everyone was scared of me but it changed one thing on me too, that I didn't wanted that it change. I was getting emotionles. I hate emotions now, I never want to fall in love! That's so childish and too kind for me, I don't like it!
When my brother came to my school
he was getting bullied too because of me. You ask yourself why? He's the freaks brother, that's totally a reason for them to bully him...
I feel a bit sorry for him but like I sayed. I am emotionsles.

*Present day*

As I walked in to school, all looked at me with a scared expression on their face. I love it when they're scared. The first thing I do is to go search my brother, because I didn't saw him today. I go to his locker and opened it. He fall right towards me with a scared face. I steped away, so that he don't fall above me.
He's tied and he has a apple in his mouth, I think that should stop him from talking.
I took the apple out of his mouth.
"I want names now", I said with a cold tone. Pugsley seid to me:" I don't know, Wednesday". I don't believe him that he doesn't know who did this.
I started to untie him but then suddently when I grab his Hand too help him up, I got an vision.
I have this Vision for over a month now it makes me go crazy because the vision aren't good visions they are bad ones.As I grab his hand,my head went up and I saw who was it. I saw who hurt my brother. Then the vision stopped. I'm white with Anger. I'm going to kill the school-yerks and I'm not joking, I mean it. I stand up but then suddently my brother ask worried:"What was that". I didn't reply I just waled away.

I go to the pool because evry morning the have their swimtraining there. On my way I went in a shop to buy piranhas.
I buy them and go straight to the pool. When I arrived the lead York snapped at me:" Hey freak this is a close practise". They all laughed I just said cold:"I'm the only one who gets to torture my brother".
They just looked at me like I'm a psycho.Whitch I am. I just drop the bags full of piranhas in the pool. When they realized that I dropped the bags they start to panic. They begin to swim to save their lives. It worked by a coupe of boys but they lead yerk got attacked. That's totally okay for me. Although he didn't die he lost one of his balls. It's completly ok because he shouldn't be able to reproduce.
But his parents didn't though so they filed a complaint because of tried murder.
That's pretty embarising because it is just because of tried murder.
My parents sended me to a school named Nevermore. They went to the same school when they were younger. They said they could help me but nobody could help me exept the death but I don't think that will happen soon.


All rights go to the owners of Wednesday!
Sorry for my grammar I'm actually german so please exuse me and happy Xmas


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