CHAPTER 24! he'd sit and sketch out drawings specifically for her

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she laid on the bed, while elliot played his guitar.

"you know what nobody understands? is that, like, drugs are honestly the only way that i can be myself." rue began.

"i don't think that's true." elliot said.

"no, it is true. like, when i first met you, i would've never had the balls to just, like, come up to you and talk to you."


"i don't know. i'm just, like, a deeply shy person. and like, with jules, right? when i first met her, i was just, immediately in love."

"in love?"

"yeah. when you say it out loud, it kinda sounds small."

"what's a bigger feeling than love?"


"you think?"

"yeah, i think so. yeah. i don't know, maybe that's what it was. as soon as i saw her, i was just immediately afraid to lose her."

"who have you lost?"

"uh, my dad."


"meaning he's dead."

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