Was scared...
Dint know what to do!
Was upset....
searching how not to cry!
Was broken...
putting all pieces back together!
Was losing hope....
trying to bring back love!
Was hating.....
trying to support others!
Was against you...
finding right words to blame u!
Was lonely....
trying to find someone to lend a shoulder!
Was stupid....
hated u but still loved you!
Was weak....
finding strength in me!
that's when i realized.....
I'm InCoMpLeTe without you!!!!
PoetrySome people juzz enter our hearts and leave deep imprints on them... My short poem is one about one of them... <3 My Mom... i know itz a bit too romantic for her... but shez the one who actually touched my heart soo deep and left herself imprinted t...