Story Idea #1

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Okay, first idea on here, let's go.

So, it's essentially a sort of crossover between SCP and cyberpunk in a sense. I'll have to do more research before I add more detail, but the protag is essentially armed to the max with cybernetic enhancements, of which can be found in the game Cyberpunk 2077, of course, if I use this idea, I'll have to add some of my own "creation", not just ones in the actual game.
Possible origins:
1. Protag is the result of some mad scientist character's mad plans/ the result of some horrible accident involving another organization in the SCP universe (the one that has robotics in its name, Anderson robotics I think, I'll have to check) blah blah blah... Foundation finds em, takes them in and, eventually, has him working alongside them.

2. The big hole scp that connects alternate universe but kills anything living that makes it to the other side they end up on. Protag with "special chip" goes through hole (not using specific name as I don't wanna spoil anything for cyberpunk, despite it's rocky start because we made the developers rush it and as a result it came out very buggy, Its still a pretty good game you can have fun with. Still some bugs though.) And comes out dead. Chip activates and technically revives them, and go from there.

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