Chapter forty eight

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School was over for the Slytherin gang but worry not because since they all came from rich families, they were technically able to buy pretty nice houses for themselves.

But since like half of them would be living alone they decided on decently sized apartments right next to each other

"I cannot wait to decorate and shop and decorate" Pansy says excitedly as we put down some more boxes in my new apartment

"So do you want to decorate or?" I ask sarcastically, Pansy gives me a look.

"Oh come on you told me I got the biggest appartement you could find!" Theo says to me, walking in


"And yours is way bigger." He complains

"Oh well" I shrug picking up a box and bringing it to my new room

*time skip*

We were still waiting on most of our stuff to be delivered because we had just moved in so Pansy, Theo, and I had a slumber party

"Wait wait wait, so you telling me that when you were nine you lit a fire in your house?"

Pansy nods her head

"And you blamed it on your house elf?"

"Yup" and we all burst out laughing

"Ok, ok, enough of that. You wanna watch a movie?" I ask

"sure" Theo says "I'll get snacks"

"Oh can we watch the notebook?" Pansy asks

"Uhm I don't want to watch that, it's such a girly movie" Theo says throwing a piece of popcorn in his mouth

"I don't what to hear it from you you're wearing hello kitty pajama pants and you're about to do a face mask" I say, Pansy snorts

"Whatever." Theo throws popcorn at me "just play the movie" he rolls his eyes

"Are there any m&m's?"
*the middle of the movie*
"Are you okay Theo??"

"Yeah I'm fine shut up" he says between sobs shoving the last bit of popcorn in his face "I'm getting more popcorn"
Theodore cried more than either of the girls that night and to this day he cannot watch the notebook without crying
Lmk what you thiinkk

Also I edited a bit of the story I might edit some more but idk for now I'm gonna get some sleep

Also who's started school yet? cause I've heard some people have but I still haven't thank goodness

Y/N x Matteo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now