31. not your friend

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get a kick out of missing your
call. i hate me enough for the
two of us—hate that i can't let
go of you enough.

after driving around for about half an hour, jay pulled into his driveway and sat there quietly

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after driving around for about half an hour, jay pulled into his driveway and sat there quietly. he adjusted the volume of his music only to be met with that song. they never declared it as their song but it was his song for her. he was close to skipping the song but he kept reading the title and artist over and over, as if angel by keshi was going to change.

jay tapped his finger against the steering wheel, trapped in deep thought. he knew what he was feeling and how he knew it wasn't going to end well. at the same time, he knew how he was beginning to feel for her but the worst part in his head—was his heart forgetting chaerin.

the raven haired boy was confused at best, wanting to be loyal to the one girl who he had ever been in love with. but he knew that with kyorin it was different—his heart was different.

his heart would beat a different pattern with kyorin, whether it was the smell of coffee in her room when they would study or her small gestures when she was close by him. fixing his hair to look like robin, fixing the headband on his head, and even the kiss against his neck. he knew that when she was around, he didn't have to try so hard to make her happy because although it was an act, she was enjoying her time with him.

with the small dates to post each other and all of the study dates to help her improve, he fell in love with a kyorin that only he got to see. yet when he was with chaerin, he was in love with a girl that everyone already knew.

jay's heart beat faster knowing that he had a version of kyorin that only he knew, and he liked that.

these thoughts raced in his mind with him muttering curse words under his breath as he knew he fucked up the one and only important rule. No Strings Attached. he rested his forehead on the steering wheel in disappointment in himself, "i fucked up,"

as much as he had wanted to continue to wallow in his sad state, a buzz against his thigh from his phone disturbed the moment. he groaned, expecting it to be from the guys as they left without notice. turning the phone on to reveal the message from the unknown number.

unknown caller id

Thank you for participating
at our compatibility testing
booth! After looking through
all of the test forms, we concluded
that your match is Eun. K!

We look forward to seeing you
next year!

jay sighed and threw his phone onto the passenger seat, this time planting his head on the steering wheel a bit harder. he pulled down his sun visor and he sighed before whispering under his breath:

"what're you doing to me?"


as soon as she stepped out of the car, she walked as fast as she could in the opposite direction. she had no clue where she was going as she was running off of pure adrenaline now. kyorin hurriedly propped her crossbody bag across her torso, holding it close to her body. as she walked off away from jay's vehicle, she crossed her arms against her body not bothering to spare the car another glance.

no strings attached.  jay enhypenWhere stories live. Discover now