32. time with you

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we're going down, and you
know that we're doomed. my
dear, we're slow dancing in
a burning room.

jaemin sat at kyorin's kitchen counter, unwrapping the food from the plastic bag

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jaemin sat at kyorin's kitchen counter, unwrapping the food from the plastic bag. the cafe was packed with people and kyorin didn't feel like having people stare at her and wonder why her eyes were so red. it was one of the last few things that she had wanted. kyorin picked up two cans of coke and slid it against the counter towards jaemin.

"thank you for the food, jaem," kyorin thanked the boy as she sat next to him.

"you're always welcome. this is your red velvet cheesecake by the way," jaemin slid the to-go box towards her. the swirling on the small cake was beautifully marbled into the frosting. it made her want to just stare at it, not wanting ti ruin how pretty it looked.

before jaemin could dig into his to go box of cinnamon pancakes, kyorin extended her hand to place it over his forearm. he looked at her, seeing that she was starting to go red in the face, "what's the matter?"

"i'm sorry i dragged you into this," kyorin apologized.

she knew the root of the problem was her friendship with jaemin and here she was: making it worse.

on the other hand, he was confused. he had no clue what she was talking about as he didn't want to pry into her reasoning. he dropped his fork onto his plastic container, now grasping onto her hand, "what are you talking about? there's nothing wrong?"

"there is, and i literally don't get it either," kyorin sighed. the squeeze against her hand prompted for her to release his grasp, placing her hands on her lap, "he's just confusing me and it's annoying,"

"might you explain what's going on so i can understand and possibly help you?" jaemin asked. the boy was genuine about wanting to help her. as much as he liked the brunette, he cared of her well-being first so seeing her in the state she was in made him feel obligated to help.

"it's jay. we got into a fight in the car and well it wasn't really a fight. i don't think it was but he fucking yelled at me?" kyorin briefly explained. her eyebrows furrowed as she spoke of how jay raised his voice at her, "and he's like upset because of our friendship? like he said i was embarrassing him?"

the gears in jaemin's head started to click, now making him confused as to how kyorin couldn't understand what was going on. jaemin shook his head, "if i told you why, you're not going to like the answer."

"i just don't get it! how was i embarrassing him? chaerin isn't even there so i don't get why there's such a huge stick up his ass to think he can yell at me like that?" the brunette huffed, stabbing her fork into the cheesecake. the cake now having the marbled frosting ruined by kyorin's act of anger.

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