The Meeting of Kerstin and Mia

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When lunch was over, I went to my next period. I walked in and I saw her Kandi. Her ivy big eyes were staring at me like she would to to jump me or something. I sat at the seat that was available and it was behind kandi. "Hello class, I'm Mrs.Lafeyette and I'm the awesomest teacher in the entire world". During the whole period, I was watching Kandi. Making sure she didn't have no aimo or nothing. Actually tbh I like her a lot she liked better than dyamond. She had ivy eyes and she was light skin. I wish I could start over my introduction of meeting her at lunch. FUVK I MISS UP BAD!!!!!!!

After the period, I went up to her and said," Look I'm sorry for doing that to you at lunch". She paid me no mind she grabbed her backpack and left classroom. When I was walking out,2 beautiful girls Mia (zamaiah) and Kerstin. "Hi I'm zamaiah but you can call me mia". I'm kerstin or curtain that's my nickname". I introduce myself. After that something big happened.

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