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"Y/n." Pierro's assistant looked up from her papers, stopping her childish doodling.

"Yes, sir?"

He raised his hand, holding a stack of paper. "Give these to Pantalone, Capitano, and Columbia."

"Of course, sir." Y/n bowed and traded her papers for Pierro's. He glanced at the papers, double-checking her work. He made this a habit; his last assistants were disappointing. He gave them to Dottore.

Pierro's stoic face twitched, his lips curving into a small smile. All the work was done, but what really pleased him was the doodle in the corner of the page, one of him sitting at his desk with Y/n beside him.

He knew he couldn't let anybody see him like this, which was why he only let his expressions, his true expressions show when he was alone. Pierro trusted Y/n, but he wasn't sure if she was okay with him acting like himself around her.

He sighed, setting down the papers. Not to mention if they were out in public, and he let his face slip, it would ruin his reputation- and Y/n's.

The door opened, snapping his attention to it. His face fell back to its usual stoic one, the person at the door was revealed to be his assistant. "I'm back, Pierro." She bowed slightly. "A meeting will be held in a few days from now, regarding the papers sir."

"Thank you, Y/n."

She beamed. "Of course, sir." Her eyes spotted her papers on his desk, the doodle she made of the two of them seemed to be staring back at her. "Do you like my drawing?"

Pierro's eyebrows raised in surprise, and he looked at the doodle once more. "Of course, it reminds me of the other drawings you've made."

"Hehe, that's good." She went back to her spot and sat down, pulling out another small stack of papers. She started working on them, completing them with ease.

Pierro couldn't quite focus though. Sure, he had his own stack, but he couldn't focus on completing it. His eyes drifted to Y/n, who was deeply focused on her own work. He didn't want to disturb her.

She did notice though; she was just like that. "Sir? Do you need something?"

He flinched. "Well, maybe."

A smile bloomed on her face. "Of course." She stood up, putting her papers on her seat. Y/n them moved to his side of the desk and sat on his lap.

"Does this help, Pierro?" She asked.

He was silent, as he usually was when she 'helped' him focus. Somehow, he always got more work done this way. It made his happy, and comfortable. Comfortable enough to let down his guard. He let his stoic face fade away, letting his smile show.

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