(Jargyle) 'Confession'

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July 18, 1986
Back of the pizza van in the middle of nowhere,

Me and argyle were sitting in the back of the van windows slightly cracked open sharing a blunt like we normally do except this time felt different, we were both laying there my head near his chest a little more than halfway through the blunt we were sharing when argyle mumbled

A- "Byers, I think I love you dude"

This surprised me and I didn't know how to react let alone respond so I pretended like I couldn't hear what he said 

J-  "what'd you say? couldn't hear you" 

but he just replied with

A-  "It's nothing just mumbling to myself"

so in response, I mumbled back

J-. "I think I love you too"

which made him perk up a bit

A-  "wait I thought you didn't hear me!"

J-  "I guess I did"

A-  "soo that mean we're a thing now or.."

I laughed

J-. "Maybe it does maybe it doesn't"

He looked saddened and confused by my response It was cute, I've liked him for a while now but didn't know how to tell him, I assumed he was straight this whole time so him saying that took me by quite the surprise, we both sat up and looked at each other I was about to say something when all of a sudden I felt his lips against mine he broke the kiss after I few seconds he started to nervously ramble

A-  "ahh so sorry! idk what came over me! I just went for it you haven't even said yes to us being a thing and all that ahh my bad bro if you"-

I kissed him which he soon melted into, I broke it after a min or so

J-. "No need to apologize, dude, I've wanted to do that for forever just wasn't expecting it, to be honest, I wasn't even sure if you were being legit or not,, I thought you were straight this entire time"

A-  "huh I thought told you while we were smoking once, but nope I love someone regardless of what's in their pants whatta bout you byres?"

I didn't know where to start, I knew I liked HIM but he's the first dude I've ever had feelings for but in a way it's different cause when I was dating nancy I still didn't feel how I feel with Argyle Its like whatever I have for Argyle is 4x stronger than what I had for Nancy

J-.  "Not sure,never really thought about it"

That was a lie I thought about, shit, I still think about it all the time, it's like I have this buzzing about it in my head that won't quiet down till I figure out this seemingly impossible puzzle, I guess I zoned out a bit but argyle kept the convo going saying

A-  "Well you like me so that's a start"

It's a start but that probably means I'm nowhere near the end well the answer, it doesn't help that we've finished off a blunt and we're halfway through the second at the start of all this too

J-  "I guess that's true"

A-  "only a guess..?"

J-. "you know what I mean"

A- "I'm not sure do I really byers?"

J-." you're so annoying"

A- " right back at you brochacho"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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