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LOVE NOTES© naijmi , hoyoverse

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© naijmi , hoyoverse


dec. 07 , tues.

❝ ━ EXAMS WERE NEARING, exams means studying, and studying means focusing, which [name] had very little of. i mean, really; who actually likes studying? rereading over notes, reading passages from textbooks, ect. that was honestly, just really boring.

[name] tried to be productive today, though! the thought of failing his exams as a senior.. how embarrassing was that? he was not going to accept anything below a C- !

feeling rather motivated, [name] pulled out his notebooks and textbooks. his mind flooding with "i am so getting an a" and "im so gonna pass this test." but once he looked at the textbook, he immediately lost motivation. why the fuck was that book so big!? the hight of the whole book was about 4 inches tall!? why would anyone want to read that!?

almost immediately, he pulled his phone out and started texting his best friend, scaramouche. the two happily chatted with each other, a stupid grin on [name]s face as he kicked his feet wothout realzing it. he really liked scaramouche, he was his best friend after all!

after a few minutes, [name] came back to his senses— he was supposed to be studying. how could it just slip his mind that quick!? he really needed to fix his attention span if it was possible.

[name] turned his phone off and tossed it somewhere on his bed. he stayed there for a couple of moments, thinking. how can i study with no distractions? oh yeah, the library.

and here he is, standing before the library doors. in all honesty he did not want to go in, but he really wanted to ace this test; as he really did not want to get into any trouble with his parents. with one final sigh, [name] pushed the doors open revealing a calm and quiet space.

he them looked for a space in the back to place his heavy bag, the large and thick textbook's definitely took a toll on him. feeling rather motivated, [name] took his notebook and his rather large textbook out and started out on page 274. as he was reading, he hadnt realize that he had totally forgot to write in his notes. which made him feel totally unmotivated as he had to re-read multiple pages back.

[name] then starts trying his best to write what he can remember from the top of his head before writing anything else, though he had manage to catch himself doodling on the corner of his page making him scream internally to himself. "why cant i study? just what is wrong with me today!" he whispers in a really aggressive way, though he didnt think that someone would be able to hear that.

while his face dug into his arms he then looks to his right to see a familiar bowl cutted, purple haired guy which made his head go up immediately. as he sees the purple haired individual dig his face into a book he decides that he should study as well, or at least pretend to. you didnt want to look lousy in front of your best friend now, wouldnt you?

though you had failed again and started scrolling on your phone, you managed to catch yourself again snd started cursing yourself out in your mind. frustrated you put your phone down, but to your surprise there was your best friend standing before you making you jump out of your chair a bit letting out a loud squeal.

"shh! quiet!" scaramouche whispers putting his hand on top of your mouth, the only thing heard was muffled noises. after a little while scaramouche let go making you gasp a bit. "what was that for?!" you exclaim trying to keep your voice down low, though it was practically impossible.

"you were being loud, did you forget that this was a library?" scaramouche responds back in a whisper tone which sounds totally different to his regular talking voice. "i did not! but what are you even doing here?"

"im here to study, what else? but, i couldnt say the same about you. youve been on your scrolling mindlessly on your phone when you have many things to do." scaramouche says skimming through your notes. "okay you caught me, but this is just too much." you say deadpanned while looking down on your lap.

scaramouche then takes a seat next to you making you raise an eyebrow in confusion. "hmm, [name]." scaramouche says your name in a taunting like manner making you pause a bit before responding. "what?" you say in response. "what do you think your secret admirer would think if you were slacking off like this? hm?" scaramouche adds on leaning his head a bit closer making you feel a bit embarrassed, actually really embarrassed.

"youre right! what am i doing? slacking off like this!" you say almost screaming then rush to get your pencil but sadly your pencil case falls down due to you being in a rush. just as you were about to pick it up, someone else leans down. "what a klutz, here." he says, placing the notebook back into your hands. "thanks." you mumble quietly and get back to writing your notes.

scaramouche then notices that your hands were pretty cold, he then decides if he should say something about it or no.

"wait there is something on your sleeve." scaramouche then fixes your sleeve to make in go up to your hands. "you werent trying to rizz me up or something, right?" [name] says in return, making scaramouche turn red in embarrassment. "what the fuck? no! im just fixing your sleeve. be thankful." scaramouche says backing away from you as soon as possible to calm down. "you shouldve seen the look on your face!" [name] laughs a bit; completely forgetting about studying.

although after being teased, the only thing scaramouche could focus on was, well you. he hasnt seen you smile in a while due to the stress of tests coming up.

"[name] are you forgetting something?" scaramouche manages to say after calming down. "wait! studying!"

exams seem to be coming up remember to study okay? i seem to notice that frown on your face that constantly takes over, dont forget to smile. it suits you. i hope you do well, don't hesitate to ask a friend for help (preferably a really close one). i know youll be able to get through all of them, im rooting for you. remember not to overwork yourself, i wouldn't want you getting stressed out, so take care of yourself alright?

 remember not to overwork yourself, i wouldn't want you getting stressed out, so take care of yourself alright?

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note. going ice skating w friends
next week or wtvr, ily pookie
crystal 😈 ( wonderingmishap )

LOVE NOTES ━━  scaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now