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Self-love is an incredibly important virtue for us to cultivate, especially as we grow older. The more we learn about ourselves and where our strengths lie, the more we can appreciate our own value and contribution to the world around us.

We all have things that make us feel less than wonderful sometimes—we may feel like we're not as smart or funny as other people, or that our skin is not quite right, or that one of our arms is longer than the other. We may even have a habit that we don't like very much—like biting our fingernails or picking at food until it's all gone. (I know I do!)

But when you look at the things you love about yourself, this list can go on and on! Maybe your sense of humor is what makes you laugh so hard when you hear someone else tell a joke—or maybe it's your eyesight when they're really good at spotting details on objects in detail. But whatever it is, if you start thinking about these things more often, then that's going straight toward self-love.

And remember: if someone were mean to you today? Don't be upset with yourself for feeling bad! It's how God made you, and He loves everything about you.

Self-love is not something that happens overnight; it takes time and effort. It's hard to see yourself as worthy of being loved by others when there are so many things about yourself that you don't like about yourself. But when you realize that those things aren't true about who you are as a person, then it becomes easier for people to see how worthy and lovable you really are.

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