030. versus the sabotage

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versus the sabotage
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮ THIRTY!versus the sabotage  ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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Today was considered a day of relaxation for the Mech X4 team. The group had no missions lined up for them to tend to and everyone had finished up any outstanding tasks they had, whether it be school work or repairs in the robot.

This meant that there was an abundance of free time for the group to indulge in and they decided that playing an intense game of Risk was the perfect way to spend the day.

Veracity unfortunately had to miss out but the rest of the group currently sat in the lounge room.

"Ohh! My fiefdom is fiefdope!" Ryan exclaimed excitedly, moving more pieces into his designated. The game was definitely getting intense and the technopath was the most competitive.

"Easy, dude." Spyder reminded when he received a harsh shove in the shoulder from the technopath. "I'm still feeling a little....."

"Stupid? For wearing that hat?" Mark mocked him for his choice of hat. The boys all laughed in agreement and Mark received a high five from his brother.

Spyder Johnson had decided today was the day that he would switch up his usual hat choice. The newly long haired boy was known for wearing baseball caps with snaps in the back and it was a stable in his wardrobe. That was his go to style.

But for some reason, he had chosen to go with a knitted hat embroidered with dinosaur features. He was a bit self conscious about the new look as it was out of the ordinary for him, so the constant teasing from the others definitely didn't help him feel better about it.

"I actually think Spyder looks adorable in this hat." Natalie complimented, causing her boyfriend to smile happily.

"You have to say that, you're his girlfriend." Hana pointed out.

"No, I like this hat." Spyder defended. "It's just, I'm still feeling a little...barfy." He explained. The poor boy was currently overcoming a bad case of food poisoning. He was no longer throwing up everywhere but he was still queasy.

"Really cause I feel great!" Ryan exclaimed happily. "Defeat Traeger, check. Defeat all of you at this game? In the progress."

"Not if I destroy you first." Hana spoke up confidently. "I do have tricks up my sleeves."

"Not so fast kids, ok? I've been playing this game so long, I have moves they haven't even invented yet." Leo reminded.

"Surprising confidence when Ryan and Hana are both kicking your butt." Harris pointed out.

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