38.I love you...No

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Because...I love you...

Yibo's statement was shocking for Zhan and also for himself.
He was not sure what he said but he knew one thing for sure that Zhan's questions were painful for him and pushing his feelings uncontrollably that he was unable to keep his feelings in his heart anymore.
Zhan was looking him more like questioning him with his eyes because the words Yibo's lips said was not easy to believe for Zhan. But somehow he managed to calm himself and his heart.

Yibo...what are you saying....are you sure...because if you're joking...its not a time for joke...

I...I'm serious...Zhan ge I love you....and I know it sounds like stupidity but I'm saying the truth...

How could you...Yibo you know nothing about me....and my mind...what I think about you....nothing...and you are saying these words to me??

Yibo was lost of words as he was still processing what was happening while Zhan held his shoulder and jerked him.

Wang Yibo...I am asking something.... give me an answer dammit...

Yibo again hugged Zhan this time he was hugging him like a kid who was afraid to be lost.
Zhan realized that he was being reckless so he stroked Yibo's back and he was smiling how Yibo was reacting to his words...



You said....you..love...me...




Ok...then I want some answers...

Yibo released the hug and waited for Zhan's words...

Yibo...I...want to ask why you love me...

T...there's n..no reason to...love...

How's it possible...I mean maybe you fell for me because of my looks...you know...everyone used to say that I'm handsome...


What....am I not handsome??

N....no...I mean yes of course you are handsome but I didn't fell because of it...

Then...why? Because of my charm...or public image??

None of them....

So I think last option is the valid reason...you love me because of my money..

NO....not at all....
How can you say this...Zhan ge let me remind you I don't even used your money for my personal matters...

Now with Zhan's word Yibo was angry that how could he compare his love for him with money or popularity....Yibo being a simple and lovely person he loves his family and friends and now Zhan became a important part of his life....he didn't realise that when Zhan became his life...when he started to feel for him...and when he was nowhere to found how Yibo was praying for his wellbeing....and here the person who was all over in his heart and mind saying that he fell for his money...seriously....

Ok you surely love me...but how long...what if someday I lost my career and all my money and properties....then...will you love me??

Yes...because I love you not your money, property or popularity...

Yibo's words were amusing for Zhan's ears but soon his mind went toward morning's incident so he glanced at Yibo...

Dd...you already claimed that you love me not my money...so if someday I became nothing but just a ordinary boy without money...working part-time jobs will you accept me....

Yes...I will...without any doubt...

Then...let's go...


Far away from this hurtful world...and greedy people who don't care about feelings but just prioritise money and reputation...
As you said you love me...this will be enough for us to leave everything behind...

Now the words Zhan said was not acceptable by Yibo because he was sure about his feelings for Zhan but what about Zhan...he don't know about Zhan's feelings for him...and also he can't go leaving his mother and sister...there's something most important he needs to do...after doing that he can think about going with Zhan but his family's personal matter is still not Zhan's concern and also he don't want to tell him...he looked at Zhan who was looking for an answer...so Yibo said...

NO...I CAN'T COME WITH YOU...Zhan ge...

That's it....now hearing Yibo's reply Zhan was furious...he almost roared at Yibo who flinched at his reaction....

Hahaha....that's great show...you are saying you love me...but The great lover Mr. Wang Yibo is not ready to leave everything behind for his love....what a great player you are Yibo....you know What...you are also same as them who left me because of money and their prioritise because I was never their first priority and today you also show me miror of reality....thank you....

Yibo was listening Zhan and denying his words continuously by shaking his head but Zhan was furious 😠 and not ready to listen anything anymore so he stomped out of villa...and in his car he went away....leaving Yibo all alone...


Don't know what I wrote 😕 Nevermind please support....vote and comment...

Thanks for reading 😊

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