The start of the disgust

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Archived by Notathrowaway69


Posted for CringeStoriesBrvh



"Gosh darnit!" the young filly exclaimed as she and her two friends trotted down the road.

"I really thought that would work", her unicorn friend replied.

"We're in trouble now" said the Pegasus filly. " I knew this wasn't going to work, you really screwed this up Applebloom."

"Hey don't blame me, Sweetie Belle came up with the idea!"

"I didn't come up with the idea, my sister told me!"

"Well your sister is crazy to think that this was going to get us our cutie marks," replied Scootaloo. "That was so stupid and embarrassing"

Applebloom sighed. " I guess we're not meant to be Cutie Mark Crusader prostitutes."

"Sweetie Belle, why did your sister tell us that we should solicit sex from the townsfolk?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well Rarity said that it is a very profitable business and that we were so useless at doing anything else that we might as well just ask for sex from random strangers."

"Wow your sister is an asshole."

The three friends continued down the road and came across a familiar face.

"I see you girls have a problem."

"Trixie?" the three girls said.

"Yes it is I the Gay and Pitiful Trixie and I am here to help you!"

"Why should we trust you?" Applebloom said.

"Yea weren't you that hack show off that lied about your accomplishments?" Scootaloo added.

"My sister has pictures of you in her private room".

Applebloom and Scootaloo both shot a death stare at Sweetie Belle.

"What the fuck." Scootaloo mouthed.

"Ok I know that I've had a bad past in Ponyville but I, the Gay and Pitiful Trixie is here to make up for it. I want to start by helping out you three fillies. I want to help get you your Cutie Marks."

"And you will do that how?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well first you have to follow me back to my house located in a dark, secluded area totally away from any living soul. Once there we will get to work on those cutie marks."

"That sounds…perfectly reasonable." Scootaloo said. You in for this Applebloom?

"I dunno. Sis will be awfully sore if I don't return home on time… but you know what, screw her I'm in! What say you Sweetie Belle?"

"Dumb fabric."

Scootaloo facehooved. "Yea we're in."

"Great! Now follow Trixie to her wonderful and magical abode."

The crusaders followed Trixie to her totally not suspicious not dangerous house located on the outskirts of Ponyville.

"We're here!"

The crusaders gazed upon Trixie's home. It was pretty big for a home as the size of it was comparable to a warehouse. On the front of the house above the door was a sign that had spray-painted on it "Trixie's Funhouse".

Trixies Funhouse [MLP] [FUCKED UP STORY #1] Where stories live. Discover now