Chapter one

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I don't know where I am. I can't see anything - except a blur of passing trees, as if I was running. I feel my bare feet thump on the grass, snapping all the twigs beneath me. I can't stop running. I can't stop my heart beating. The cold air smacks my face, making my messy bun... Even messier. Some how I recognize where I'm going. Like I've been here before. But when?

The sky in dark blue with twinkling little lights. I skid around a tree, heading towards a road, and have a feeling about where I'm going. I sprint faster alone the pavement - gritting my teeth, imagining little bits of glass sinking into my heals. But it doesn't happen.

Thank god.

I spin around another Conner racing across the main road. I gasp as car lights appear so close to me. I leap for the pavement and don't land on my feet. Instead fall on my side and roll onto my back. My knee feels like I've scrapped the skin off. I shiver thinking about it and roll up my pants. The air is cool, but to my surprise I'm not bleeding, even though my knee stings like hell. I bite my lip and roll my pants back down to my ankles, then start running again.

I recognize where I'm going/might be going to the police or hospital.

Who knows? Those buildings are right next to each other... Sorta.

I sprint across the path and bolt down a dark pathway with two brick building either side of the path. I feel sweet rolling down the side of me face. I feel panicked and scared. But if what? Is a random freak chasing me? The thought makes my stomach turn.

- a faceless guy with light green skin and long, dirty finger nail changing you? I bet YA millions of bucks you would be at least a tiny be scared/worried.

I turn my head to look behind me. To my relief... No faceless freak is chasing me.

Why am I running again?

I seem to sprint faster now. I feel like something is chasing me. My feet hurt and the air I'm breathing if freezing? ... In SUMMER! ...

I see a tight corner coming up and grab the a pole to swing my self around it. I bump into something alive and fall back. A man stands in front of me, someone I don't recognize.

"Get up."

Instinct I do as demanded. This guy looks scary. Well... He looks normal, but his eyes just seem to glow... Not glow glow, just like the tiniest glow visible. I bet that sounds crazy. Does that sound crazy? Yeah...

He walks closer to me. I back up breaking eye contact.

In the corner of my eye I see him slowly reach down to his back pocket, pulling something out. The first thing that comes into mind is; knife. Back off Hannah his gonna hurt YA. Run! Run now!

I gasp, and turn around, about to run. But something hard hits me in the head. Really hard. My head feels cold, by I know it's hot. Everything is black.


I sit up in bed confused. I'm not crying and I don't feel the slightest bit pain. I've had this dream before. Three times in a row now. It's confusing and doesn't make any sense. It's just playing itself over and over again. Why? It's annoying, but I always wake up at that spot. I never really know what just happened until I wake up. Maybe because, I know its a dream, but it doesn't feel like a dream at all. It feel real. I feel the pain when I trip. I feel the metal of the pole. I breath the air and new it was warm when it felt cold, just like when your running in cross country.

But It WAS a dream. I know it was.

I get up and put on my slippers. I live alone in my parents house. They died seven years ago. I was heart broken and never new how they died. That day chanced me for life.

When I open my curtains, sunlight shines in my eyes.

Why is the sun so flipping annoying. Well, luckily the sun wasn't the one that woke me up, or I would hate that bright light bulb even more. Why can't the sun have a light switch? Why can you just turn of the sun of at least one minute?

Wouldn't that be nice.

I tip toe into the kitchen, turn the kettle on, and sit down, slouching in my chair.

"Why do I have that one dream?" I ask myself. "Is it because I'm lonely?"

Hmmm, it would be nice to have a little furry friend around during the holidays. But something with not so much work... Maybe... Like a cat. Yeah. Their lazy! Just like me on da holidays. That's purr-fect.

But... "Arh!!!" My brain is still waking up. What should I do?

Buy a cat or two or three or-
Im you. You should know what you think.
Fine, but still.
Still what?
Ok... So what are you going to do.
I was thinking about getting a cat.
I know.
I know you know.
Or should YA get two?
Three is best!
Nah!!!! I just want you to help me decide.
I am!
No your not!
Do you feel lonely in the holidays when all YA friends are out doing their own thing?
Then get two cats.
It would be great. Then you could talk to them instead of me.
I guess It wouldn't hurt to get two cats.
I'm getting e'm!
Thank god.

"Thank you God!" I yell.

I'm crazy. As you might of figured by now, I talk to my self in deep conversations just like that. I sigh, getting up when the kettle goes quiet. I rap my hand around the handle and pour the water into my cup.

"OW!" I scream. "Defiantly not my cup." I stare down my hand.

Hot hot hot! I rush towards the sink and turn the cold water on, running it over my fingers. Much better. The water is cool and gentle against my burn.

That's when I remember that the boiling water in still dripping from the bench onto the floor. I grab a pink cloth and wipe it over the floor.

I stretch my back and throw the cloth into the sink without looking. Surprisingly... SCORE!!!!

That reminds me of soccer. I am really great at soccer, but one time, I forgot what way I was going. I was dribbling the ball perfectly. Skidding around EVERYONE. then I kicked

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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