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My Christmas List: December 5th
Help me forget my first club experience.


After three shots, I felt much better, and I even began to feel more comfortable and at ease. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the people around me, but everything just felt more toned down.

I met CeCe's closest friend—as she said—Leo. He had blonde curly hair and dark eyes, and the most comforting smile. It was the same vibe that CeCe gave off—I can see how they're such close friends.

Although, I still find it weird that people belonging to a mafia can be so friendly. I seriously need to stop stereotyping.

"I'm going to be back! I need another shot!" CeCe yelled over the music, giving Leo and me a firm nod before walking off the dance floor.

Leo laughed as he kept dancing. "I don't understand how she's even standing right now."

I chuckled to myself, knowing CeCe had taken more shots than I could count. "Is her tolerance high?"

Leo let out a deep laugh that was actually noticeable over the music. "Hell yeah. I still don't understand how it's higher than mine."

I shook my head. "Well, yours is definitely higher than mine, so congratulations."

Leo gave me a playfully narrowed look. "Not much of an accomplishment given how low you are, but I'll take it," he said, joking as he kept swaying his body to the music.

I rolled my eyes jokingly, "Whatever—" I cut myself off when the song changed, noticing Call out my name by The Weeknd was playing. "Leo this is my song!" I yelled over the music.

Leo nodded. "Turn it up!" he yelled, and moments later the music grew louder.

I don't know how the DJ heard him, but I was not complaining. My body moved to the music on its own accord, my eyes closing shut as I fell fully into the song.

However, my eyes instantly shot open when I felt someone brush against me from behind, which easily made my body go rigid.

Leo furrowed his brows, picking up on my discomfort and guiding me closer to him before saying, "Sometimes the floor gets too packed, do you want to get off?"

Even if it wasn't an intentional move by whoever brushed up against me—I still felt the past feelings resurfacing. The current tipsy state I was in reminded me of that night, which was what made me vulnerable in the first place.

For a brief moment—it felt like I was back there. Flashbacks spun in my head in under a second before I could process them further, and I hated that. I hated that I easily reacted that way. It made me feel weak and paranoid.

"Woah are you okay?" Leo called out over the music that was seemingly growing quieter with each passing minute. Leo's dark eyes glanced behind me and as if on cue, his posture straightened. "Uh-boss-hey."

Suddenly I knew why the music was fading. Knowing Armani was behind me, made me want to turn around and just throw myself into her protective arms. She was one of the first people I met here and for some reason, I already felt a sense of trust with her.

"What's going on here?" she asked, and her voice sounded so firm and low—especially with how quiet the room had gotten. You could seriously hear a pin drop.

Leo glanced over at me, which caused my mouth to flop open and shut a few times. I couldn't get the words out, and the quietness of the crowd along with their attention wasn't necessarily helping.

A MERRY MAFIA CHRISTMAS (18+) (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now