{chapter 1}

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This is going to be a Wattpad only story because I can't be bothered to write the whole thing out anywhere else.


My name is Alix Kingshore, I'm a 23 year old male. I work for the Urulian government military. My job is to figure out how to win this never ending tug of war with Yolane, we're constantly at a tie. Neither of us ever win.. except for recently, I've been able to get information from a member of the Yolane military so, slowly but surely we're gaining the upper-hand. The one I'm getting information from is an absolute psychopath named Travis, She.. He whatever he wants to be called at the time is a pain in my ass... figuratively. I can't say I hate this exchange between the two of us as she... is rather.. nice? To me..

I walk down the border if the Yolane government walls until I find the gap broken apart from one of Travis' outbreaks... I question how safe I am with him sometimes. And there she is, spread across her bedsheets as usual
"welcome back Mr. Kingshore~" he teases,
"you know my name is Alix, just because this is an exchange doesn't mean you have to be so formal" I explain sliding a hand from my forehead down to my chin
"oh but you love it so much when I'm screaming-" I cut him off before he finishes that sentence
"just.. call me Alix. During and not."
"Fine by me~" she sighs "as long as we're still doing this~"
"we are" I say as I begin to take my shirt off as well as hers.
"Let's get down to business then" I add after climbing on top of her.
I wake up with familiar hands wrapped around my torso
"shit!" I shoot up for the bed waking Travis
"dude what the hell?" She yawns
"WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME!?!?!" I shout quickly chucking my clothes back on
"you were so cuuttteee~"
"do you want me chained up in your prison?!?!-" I cut myself off and add "don't answer that"
the mischievous grin that spreads across her face tells me all I need to know.. he would love it that's all that crosses my mind as I carefully make my way back to base where I am immediately tackled.
"Where were you?! An information exchange shouldn't go overnight! Did they hurt you?" The person says with a familiar voice I look down at the paralysed individual
"up you go" I say as I lift them back into their wheelchair "you shouldn't be jumping out of it, you know you can't walk" I add
"I know... I just got so worried, you're like a big brother to me" they explain somewhat sulky
"you're.. older than me." I respond
"whatever! Older, younger, who cares! You're like a brother to me! I don't want to lose you!" Sun shouts. We sit silently for a moment before I decide to walk back to the information room leaving them with an "I know".
Once I had entered the information room I was greeted by our leaders, two beings seeming to be born from starlight. One slightly taller with more of a dark blue for star's skin and the other slightly shorter with more purple toned skin
"Your graciousness" I saluted
"What information do you have about the enemy plans?" The slightly taller and darker being inquired
"Yes your graciousness, our enemies are planning on taking a hostage to gain information which they plan on torturing out of them. I suggest you allow me to be the kidnapped as I know mor about their plans and have more pain resilience... and our form of information is on their side and can help me escape" I answer confidently
"Very well, make yourself seem like a easy target, get kidnapped and come back with more information" the shorts and lighter royal demands
I nod my head and salute them as I leave, then that thought comes to mind again... [he would love to see me chained up in their prison] I get... excited at th thought of how she'll look at me chained up...
I make my way outside to do a few unnecessary rounds of the border where a familiar face pops out of a bush.. him. I race over.
"What are you doing?? You'll get shot if you're spotted!" I ask worried
"Hmm~ I just could wait for our next exchange~ I want it now~" she replied, that devilish grin spreading from ear to ear
"Listen, you told me that your leaders want a hostage, I'm going to be the hostage you can have your exchange then" I tell him
Her face pouts and replies disappointedly "okkkkkk, see you then sugar~"
Then she pops back into the bushes and disappears. God I hate that mother fucker. I tell myself, but later that night I find myself picturing his face plastered against mine, kissing with amazing passion, trying to steal every breath out of my lungs... I love it, I can't help but feeling the same way he did not being able to wait for that next exchange.

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