sam golbach~the ghost with the most~

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This house was yours. It had been yours for years, decades even. But you never grew older.

You died a long time ago. You weren't sure how or when, but you knew you were dead.

And every couple years, a new family would move into your house. At first you hated it, but now... you've grown to enjoy your time annoying and scaring the new house folks.

This year, the family that moved in wasn't really a family at all. It was a group of guys, all in their early 20s. You watched from the shadows as they all picked out their rooms, some fighting over the master (which was yours so like... why were they fighting in the first place?), and over the next month or so they settled in.

Their choice in decoration was... boring, to say the least. Borderline nonexistent, besides in their own rooms. The one named Colby kept his room pretty dark, dungeon-like. The other two had some very weird styles that you didn't appreciate. And the last one, Sam... his was fine.

You settled on his room to chill in.

Something about his energy was interesting to you. You had overheard them all one night talking about ghosts, about whether or not they existed at all. And Sam was the one that surprised you the most with his response.

"No. They totally don't exist. Even with all the proof we've captured, I'm still unsure."

You didn't quite understand what he meant, but you saw him and Colby leave the house every so often, only to come back and tell the others about their adventures and "investigations".

So they were ghost hunters? And Sam didn't believe? Interesting.

You had nothing else to do with your free time, and since you had plenty of it, you decided to focus your energy on Sam and making him believe.

The first thing you tried was giving him nightmares. That itself was a bit difficult for you, but humans' minds were a lot more open when they were unconscious. You were able to weasel your way in and make him think of scary, horrible things. Of ghosts chasing after him, of you chasing him around the house.

After a couple nights, you thought you had done the trick. I mean, how many times does someone have to wake up in a cold sweat to realize they are getting a message from the beyond?

But it didn't work. So you moved on to plan b: poltergeist time.

Now, you weren't an evil spirit. Hell, in your old life the worst thing you ever did was get a parking ticket. But you figured if Sam saw things moving around on their own, he would start to believe, or at least sense that something was in his house.

Because at least the others knew that. They would tell him all the time that they could feel something watching them, especially Colby. But Sam always shrugged it off, claiming they were just paranoid.

One day, while Sam was sitting in bed, you decided to knock something over on his desk. Some random little figurine he had. His eyes widened as he heard the noise, he jumped out of bed and looked at his desk. The figurine laid on the floor, still shaking from your motion.

"How'd that fall?" He whispered to himself.

You felt like shouting "Me, bitch!" but figured that was a bit mean. He placed it back on his desk and left his room. You figured maybe was going to go downstairs, tell all of his friends about what just happened. You giddily followed him to the kitchen, only to watch him pull out lunchmeat from the fridge and make a sandwich.

You tried the next day, and the day after that, and still... nothing. It didn't help that his other two roommates had decided to move out, so you waited for there to be a right time to spring into action again. And finally when the time came, you decided to up the ante and move something in front of him and Colby, thinking maybe he would get a clue that what was happening to him was paranormal. While the two of them were in the kitchen, you opened a drawer, slowly. Colby noticed it first. His breath hitched in his throat as he watched the drawer open.

"Dude, look! The drawer's opening on it's own." He gasped.

You smiled as Sam turned towards the drawer, hoping that now it would finally click in his head. But instead he walked up to the drawer, shut it, and went back to talking with Colby. He told him that that drawer always had a problem staying shut and had opened on him before.

Oh, so now we're just lying to each other?!

You finally had one more move in your arsenal. You decided, while he was out, to stack everything in his room in the center of it. His desk, bed, furniture, whatever you could get your hands on, you put in the middle of his room. It took you a long time, and you were proud of your work when you were finally through.

There's no way he's not gonna believe this is paranormal.

You waited impatiently for him to come home. He walked through the front door and trudged up the stairs to his bedroom. You smirked as he rubbed his eyes, ready to take a nice long nap most likely. Then he opened his door, stopping dead in his tracks.

"What the...?"

He studied his room, glancing all over the place for how this could have happened. You leaned against the wall, just waiting to hear him scream or gasp or... something. He yelled for Colby, and he came in a minute later.

"Love what you've done with the place, Sam." Colby stated nonchalantly.

Sam glared. "How the fuck did you do this?"

"Do what? I didn't do this." Colby argued.

"Well, you were the only one home." Sam mentioned.

"I was, yeah. But I've been busy editing. I left two hours ago to get some food." Colby replied.

Sam questioned him, "Then who did this?"

Ghosts! Say it was a ghost! There's no one else that could have done it!

"...Jake." They nodded their heads, rolling their eyes at their ex-roommate.

Are you forreal?! You tried to breathe for a second. You know what? They'll realize it wasn't him when he confesses it wasn't, and they'll have to realize then it was something supernatural.

But that never happened. They didn't question Jake, they just assumed it was him and moved on with their lives. But you... you couldn't.

You followed Sam around the house. Every step he took, you were right behind him. You gave him some privacy when he needed it (you weren't a perv now), but otherwise, you wanted him to feel you. To feel your anger.

Sam and Colby mentioned that they had a new investigation the next day that they had to get ready for. You groaned at their words, following Sam as he left Colby's room to go to his own, and into his bathroom. Once you realized he was only washing his face for bed, you came in.

"I fucking hate you, you know that right? Do you know how annoying it is to prove to someone that I'm real? God, this is the most irritating thing I've had to do, and I've died before! I mean, you go on these trips, catch tons of evidence, and somehow don't believe in ghosts. It's insane to me. Like, what do I have to do, jumpscare you? Do I have to appear in front of you just for you to believe in me?!"

Sam jolted up out of the sink, his face sudsy with his face wash. His eyes locked with yours, and he screamed.

~This story is by onward and upward on Tumblr~if you liked this oneshot please do go check them out they also have a lot of amazing work.

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