Student Profile

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A/n:The quirks were inspired by the Manga "Undead Unlucky" and The fighting styles were inspired by Marvel's "Task Master" and "Moon Knight"

Name: Y/n L/n

Nickname: n/n

Age: 16

Height: 6'3

Eye color: e/c

Hair color: h/c

Hair length: h/l

Hair style: h/s

Skin tone:s/t

Quirk:Undead & Unlucky

Family: M/n L/n(deceased), F/n L/n (deceased) B/n (Alive) (Listen we can't have an MC with parents. It has to at least be parents dead, one left, or they're abusive. I should stop talking.)

Small and quick backstory*Warning! Dead will be involved*:Y/n lost her parents at a young age. He mother died giving birth to her brother b/n. Her father couldn't handle his wife's death so he commented not alive.

A few days had past and people we're becoming curious. The neighbors haven't seen them come out the house nor have they been clocking in for work. The police were called and all the found were two children. A 9 year old and a new born. They were taken into custody and was sent to live with one of the officer's by the name of Leon(not Kennedy). At the time y/n and Leon didn't get along but as time progressed the created a father daughter relationship. One where they'd fight and argue about dumb stuff.

Y/n started her anti-hero work when she was 13. She grown on many people. Most love her some being the people she's saved and others being random people she's come across after doing small task such as bringing the homeless the things they need. Or a bunch of street thugs that she has to stop constantly which built a friendship, more like a frenemy bond.


Personality: Bored. Gets bored way to easily when she's not doing something she loves which is fighting, training, inviting, and spending time with her family. Which is why she always has a poker face and is very blunt. Calm, she tends to act rational and is level headed so she is able to escape different situations with ease. Smart, she studies and creates different thing just for fun, her smarts far surpasses most. Sweet, she caring towards others and has made friends with many people off the streets while as Undead and herself. She may say harsh words but her kindness is shown through actions. Very awkward when it comes to socializing with people. Selfless, puts others before herself and is willing to risk her life for people. Sarcastic, she does it so much that she doesn't notice. Stubborn. Hotheaded. Aggressive, very aggressive with her actions on how she sorts certain things. Sadistic & Masochistic.

Random facts: Enjoys sweets mainly cakes. She enjoys food and can eat 100x more than an average person. She eats so much that she's able to eat in her sleep. But due to her constant workouts/ training regiments, and crime fighting as well as her high metabolism she doesn't gain weight and keeps the muscles that she's had before.

She believes that anyone should be saved hero or villain. She fights for what's right. If the person doesn't want to change themselves it's fine she'll put them away.

Fun fact:She hates people who put others in harms way, she finds it annoying. She also hates crowded spaces but still tries her best to help others. Being the introvert that she is she doesn't like going out much, get anxious when around other people, as well as loving to stay inside to watch tv, play games, creating, and read. She's quiet and tries to avoid people she doesn't know to avoid social interaction.

Fun fact:Y/n loves to learn and has great memory. She's able to copy the movements/fighting styles of others just watching them once(like Task Master). Her original fighting style was inspired by a character that she liked so she knows many different fighting styles. She doesn't dodge when fighting some times so it's harder for the other person to predict her movements or find an opening which leads her to win.(Like Moon Knight). She's ruthless so when she fights she doesn't hold back unless it's not necessary(picture Batman asking a goon where the Joker is) Her physical strength level is well beyond a regular humans, her strength is on pare with Hajime Sugoroku.

Fun fact:Her quirks can't be shut off so her whole body is constantly covered.

Fun fact:Has a bad habit of smoking

Fun fact: a nerd

Quirk Info

Unlucky:Anyone who touches her skin will have something unlucky happen to them. Depending on how long she touches the worse the luck gets and depending on how she feels about the person the it can either be something horrible or just a scratch.

Undead: Her durability increased, so does her strength, speed and healing process. She can regenerate any part of her body or allow it to not regenerate at all.

Without quirk:






Hero costume:(you can choose the mask as long as it covers your entire face) (hero mask and casual mask are completely different)

Hero costume:(you can choose the mask as long as it covers your entire face) (hero mask and casual mask are completely different)

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Info:Simon quirk being what he calls lucky which allows him to cause people or himself luck once he touches then. Heal allows him to heal any and everything. Simon and y/n's quirks cancel out. Simon's a fanboy. His favorite hero being y/n / Undead. He was the first to find out when y/n forgot to lock the door and he witnessed her leaving through the window and confronted her about it the same night. Promising not to tell anyone, he finds the reason for her becoming an anti-hero inspiring which drives him to do the same and become a hero to protect others good or bad. Simon spends his time training his body and his mind for the future. He enjoys sleeping and candy as well as the park.


Info:Leon quirk being mimicry. Having the ability to mimic any sound such as a human or animal. He enjoys spending his time with his family, drinking tea, cooking, tending to his garden, and watching tv. He's also a little (lot) over protective.

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