Welcome To Your New Job

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"Hello, hello? Uh, I wanted to record a message for you to help you get settled in on your first night. . I'm finishing up my last week now, as a matter of fact. So, I know it can be a bit overwhelming, but I'm here to tell you there's nothing to worry about. Uh, you'll do fine. So, let's just focus on getting you through your first week. Okay?"

 4 employee's sit in an office by themselves. They're going through training, even though they started two weeks ago and running around like headless chickens trying to figure things out at their stations. 

 "It's been two weeks since we started, shouldn't management have already given us the legal rundown by now?"

The oldest one is named Tom, reasonable, responsible, and probably the one who would make it out of the building in a fire first out of anyone in the room. He's 20 and works in Parts and Service.

"The management isn't managing very well." 

Second oldest, Jack. He's 19 and has no idea how to do taxes. He loves to make people laugh and do the absolute bare minimum at work, even though he works in the daycare.

"Did they even give us the right tape? This seems like a recording for one of their old locations." 

Your third oldest, Nova. She's two months from turning 19 and specializes in pissing off customers. Only reason she hasn't been fired is because the Pizza Plex is still understaffed. Her station is at Bonnie Bowl.

"I think you're right, let's see" 

Last but not least, Juno. They're 16 and the youngest staff member at the Plex. Juno works in Bonnie Bowl with Nova, but they mostly just tie the shoes together and lifts up the gutter protecters.

Juno takes the tape out of the VHS player and looks at the side. Their head tilts in confusion to the view of the others. 

"This tape says 'Freddy Fazbears Pizza'. This isn't the right tape."

They put it on top of the player and sigh in annoyance.

"Just rewind it and say we watched it, it's not like they're going to test us on it anyway."

Tom stands up and rewinds the tape by hand. Nova looks at a box in the corner and stands up.

"Do you think it's in here?"

She sits on the floor and opens the box, nope. Nothing but a bunch of old employee shirts and dust.

"Ew, dust- ACHOO!" 

She kicks the box away and gets up, running to the other side of the room. 

"I'm allergic to dust-" 

She coughs up a storm. Jack comes over and gives her a box of tissues.

"Shouldn't have kicked the box then, now the dust is everywhere. Come on let's just go, it's a Friday night, its gonna get busy." 

He takes her out and they both start walking to their stations, Juno quickly getting up and following behind Nova.

"It sucks they put a training night right before our shifts.. oh well." 

Tom walks to an elevator to make it to the basement so he can start working on a new project he was assigned.


3 Hours into the evening shift, every employee loses their minds at this point. Annoying children, angry parents, and tired managers just trying not to lose their minds. 

"Juno! I need a size 3 in kids!" 

Nova runs around trying to find a Childs shoe size in a backroom with Juno.

"We don't have anymore kids sizes under 11!" 

Junos throwing shoes out of boxes trying to find even the crustiest of shoes small enough for little kids.


Nova throws her walkie talkie to the floor and takes a minute to breathe.

"Nova, you're 18, go work at a Hooters if you want something better than this."

Juno finally finds a size 3 and jumps up in a rush of adrenaline.


Nova grabs it out of their hands and runs out of the backroom. Juno wipes sweat off their face and thanks the Lord that they get off at 8pm instead of 11pm like everyone else.

"Just 2 more hours, then I'll be free.."

"Will every employee on floor 1 and working in Parts and Service report to the front doors immediately?"

Juno raises their head at the speakers to this announcement.

"Huh.. must be something pretty big."


Freddy is down in Parts and Service along with Tom, he's getting his squeaker replaced in his nose.

"Oh, do you need to cut this short? I can stay down here alone if it would take too long to finish now."

Freddy politely folds his hands in his lap.

"Don't worry about it Freddy, almost done."

Tom smiles and folds the nose mold over the speaker.

"There, just don't let anyone touch it for awhile okay?"

He unstraps Freddy and lets him stand him.

"Thank you so much, Tom. What's the reason that you have to go upstairs? You never work upstairs unless a game or service bot is broken."

He starts walking alongside Freddy to get on the elevator.

"So remember what I was working on before you came down here? That's part of it."

Tom pushes the button to go up and the both listen to the music for a minute, then Freddy speaks up again.

"Well, you were working on mechanical roller skates.. is this for a new attraction?"

Tom chuckles and shakes his head side to side.

"Sort of, but not really. Corporate noticed sales were going down so they decided to add another animatronic to the Plex!"

Freddys eyes widen in surprise.

"Oh! Wow, a new friend? That's exciting.. what attraction will she stay at?"

Toms smile starts to fade at this question.

"Well.. they're.. having her stay at Bonnie Bowl for now until they decide if they want to re-design the bowling alley or build a new floor for her.. I'm sorry Freddy."

Freddys figure stiffened.. replacing his best friend?

"No.. they can't do that, that.. that's not fair. You.."

Freddy looked at the floor, then directly into Toms eyes.

"You won't let them replace Bon, will you?"

Tom takes a step back and thinks for a minute

"I.. no, Freddy. I won't let them replace Bonnie." 

Tom new deep down he couldn't do anything about managements decision, he had just gotten there. Why would they listen to someone who just started working there?

Hopefully the new animatronic wouldn't overshadow Bonnies legacy..

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