27 ☾ Ice Samurai

55 3 20

So so sorry for the long break from chapters! I just want you to know, expect me not to be posting a chapter for like a billion weeks lol.

You all have been amazing and I love Y'all so so much! ❤❤

Oh and also a lil Pixane chapter :)

<Words: 1059>


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                 Zane's POV:


"I see about 30-60 snakes surrounding the entrance of the mountains," I whispered to Pixal as I made my vision move back to my regular sight. "Hmm, do you think that we can take them?" Pixal turned toward me and I started to think of all the possible chances for success. "I would say that we have an 87% chance of winning this battle," the odds were in our favor but, we still could have a chance of losing. One slip-up could cause the whole plan to break like a cracker snapping in half.

"Then what would be the best plan, Zane?" Pixal asked me, I hesitated for a second but then thought of all different kinds of plans and their best outcomes. "I would say that we should take them by surprise, they are snakes after all," Pixal nodded "I will go to the left side and take down those snakes, you take the ones on the right," I scanned for our chances of survival and winning and it was an 89% chance. I smiled and slowly started to crouch-walk to the right side of the mountain, trying not to catch the attention of the snakes.

Once I was behind a stone wall that covered me from the snakes but barely enough for me to still see them, I started to create an Ice shard that would freeze anybody who touches it. It may not be the most powerful thing, but for a bunch of snakes hiding within a mountain, it could be a living hell for them. I threw the Ice Shard to the ground and it made a ringing sound as it bounced across the floor in front of the snakes, they immediately became curious about the Ice Shard, until one of them poked it turning him frozen. The other snakes yelped and another one picked it up, turning him frozen. The shard got passed around each snake who was trying to conceal it so it wouldn't harm anybody else, but they all turned frozen instead.

I did a little victory celebration and then looked over to where Pixal was, she didn't seem to be having trouble but then again she didn't seem to be doing well either. I had decided to go and help her with the snakes on the left of the entrance. I ran over and froze the snake's tails to the floor which made them squirm around like a bunch of worms "I had it under control Zane," Pixal scoffed "Well I had been getting bored so I decided to come over and help you," I smiled and Pixal laughed.

"Now we have to get all the snakes that are inside the mountain" Pixal turned on a mountain camouflage suit and slowly slid against the wall behind all the snake's military vehicles. I turned to don my camouflage suit and went towards the other side of the mountain cave, I signaled towards Pixal to start attacking. She jumped off the wall and landed on some snake's heads knocking them out onto the floor I charged an Ice particle and threw it toward a cluster of snakes leaving them all frozen. "We should check what's in the truck," Pixal suggested, I narrowed my brows and nodded I went over to the handles and slowly opened the doors. Pixal gasped and I looked up to see a bunch of completely fine or injured citizens of the kingdom. "Zane! Some of them are seriously wounded! We need to get them to the others!" I quickly nodded and looked over at the citizens "Do not worry, we are going to help you," they all smiled and some of them started to get tears of joy and happiness. "Thank you, Mr. Robot," a little girl said to me, she was next to what I assumed were her sisters who were carrying their injured mother. "Zane, I am going to stay in the back here with them to make sure nothing bad happens and they are all safe when we are driving," I nodded and went to the wheel of the truck.

The road was for sure bumpy, but not as much as I had imagined it to be. I turned on some snake camouflage so the snakes in the kingdom would not get suspicious of the truck or me. I went through the gates of the kingdom and was stopped by snakes "I'm going to need to see some type of registration," I started to panic in my head but I looked over at the guard and replied, "The driver of this truck was brutally murdered by an ambush on the mountains, he left the citizens with me and told me to drive them to a prison here in the kingdom,". It was a good thing I am a good liar and thinker. "Hm, you can go," the gates started to open and I drove inside the kingdom once again, it was not very hard from there. 

I parked by the side of the road by the arcade and looked around for snakes, but none to be seen for now. I took off my snake camouflage and opened the back of the truck "It is safe now, but we must hurry so we do not attract attention," Pixal jumped out of the truck and hurried inside to get any of the others that were already there. Pixal brought out Emeliana, Vinyella, Jay, and Nya, we all started to help the citizens get out of the truck and inside the arcade so we could treat them, the last person out was an old man and his children "Thank you, Ninja," I smiled and then shut the doors to the back.

I went through the side door inside and into the main arcade, where we were now hospitalizing about 50-70 citizens. "I am assuming that everybody else is still doing ok? Have we gotten word from them?" I asked Emeliana and Vinyella "They are all doing just fine!" Vinyella happily said and I sighed in relief. Thank the Lord.

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Who knows? I might catch up this week, but don't expect it lol

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