Moving to LA

18 0 0

Short intro- name: Y/N, your from Oregon, your moving to LA because Oregon sucks, you have a small platform around 2000 followers, your 18 years old, you have 3 cute kittens named soonie doongie and dori (yes lee knows cats names)

Short intro- name: Y/N, your from Oregon, your moving to LA because Oregon sucks, you have a small platform around 2000 followers, your 18 years old, you have 3 cute kittens named soonie doongie and dori (yes lee knows cats names)

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When I was moving my stuff into my new apartment 2 guys came up to me and asked "Hey, do you need any help?" I look up and I can't believe my eyes "Wait.. are you guys Richard and Justin?" I ask "Oh! you know us!" Richie said "Yes we are! I think I've seen you on TikTok before Y/N right?" Justin asked " Yeah I'm Y/N nice too meet you both" I said while smiling at them " I would like some help though" I said "Oh yeah sure what's your room number?" Richie asked. I look on my phone because I forgot "It's room 69" I said " Oh me and Justin are room 68!" Richie said "Oh really? That's cool!" I laugh a little.

After all my stuff is inside me Justin and Richie set up the cats stuff and organize a little bit so the cats are more comfortable, "what are your cats names? Their so cute by the way" Justin asks "Soonie is the white one Doongie is the orange one and Dori is the well that one"( I DON'T KNOW WHAT COLOR THAT IS)  "Like Lee knows cats?" Richie asks "Yeah their named after them" I said as I let them out of their cages. 

It's been about 5 hours since they came to help me move in "are you guys hungry? I'll cook something for you guys if you want" I ask them "Oh sure I'm pretty hungry" Richie said, Justin agrees. I make a easy dish its also my favorite I make Miso soup, Tamagoyaki, Blanched spinach. I serve it to them "Oh my God this looks amazing!" Justin says Richie's already eating. I smile "thank you!" I start eating after they both started. 

After eating there were still some left overs so I packed them in a plastic container and gave them to Justin and Richie as they were leaving "Thank you Y/N today was really nice! We should hang out again soon" Richie said " Yeah! next time we can bring Hayden and Keo too!" Justin added "Yeah that sounds like fun! I'll give you guys my phone number" 

After they left I started looking on Pinterest for some room inspo because my room was EMPTY, As I was looking I found this I have been really wanting to do my room like this for a while so I decided to try it out! (you can change it if you don't like it, this is js what I like)

After they left I started looking on Pinterest for some room inspo because my room was EMPTY, As I was looking I found this I have been really wanting to do my room like this for a while so I decided to try it out! (you can change it if you don't ...

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I started look for stuff for my room on Amazon and order a bunch of stuff I also got cute clothes for my cats.

HEY POOKIES!! This Is the end of this chapter I know it was short but idc i'm tired its 11:12 am and I started at 9:15 am soo I'ma js goo okay BYE POOKIESS I HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING DAY I LOVE YOUUU <333

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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