Fluffy Bunny

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[M/N] = Male Name


He hugged the soft plush in his arms, caressing the top of the cream colored stuffed animal with a surprising gentleness. Belarus sniffed the bunny, the faint smell of his current obsession, [M/N], filled his senses. The stoic nation's mouth curved upwards slightly, his cheeks dusting pink as he thought of the [Nationality] male. He hummed in content, and closed his eyes, flopping on his unmade bed. Belarus stayed like that for a few minutes, just thinking about [M/N], when a knock came at his door.

"Nikolai? You aren't planning on murdering someone are you?" asked the sweet voice that belonged to the country he fell for, it was almost playful, in a way. Belarus merely grunts as his answer, earning a small chuckle from outside the door, "I'm coming in, alright?" The knob turned slowly, and Belarus quickly placed his plush on his nightstand, near some of his knives. He didn't want to be thought of as childish, did he?

Author's Note: This will continue a full story later on, but for now, it's just a small stress-relief drabble. ^q^

Male!Belarus x Male!Reader drabbleWhere stories live. Discover now