A Special Christmas

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A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry to post this late, but I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope you all like this short I made. Anyways enjoy ;)

It was a few days before Christmas and everything was going great for "The Bad Guys". Ever since they got out of Jail Diane had helped the gang fill their hideout again and got them jobs. The gang was enjoying the good life, though, not everyone liked nor trusted them. But it felt good being good.

We then head over to a certain Wolf who's in a jewelry store on Christmas Eve looking for a necklace...

Wolf then looks at the non-existent screen. "Hey you! Long time no see. You're probably wondering why I'm in a jewelry store. Well I could just tell you, but instead, I'll tell You all my wonderful idea for Christmas this year."


We then go back about 3 days ago when The Bad Guys (and Diane) just finished dinner and we're waiting for Wolf to announce his "Great Idea" to everyone.

"Alright everyone," Wolf said as they were all sitting down on the couch. "I know you've all been dying to hear my idea so I'm gonna tell you what it is."

The gang just all looked at Wolf waiting for him to spill the beans only for him to keep blabbing on and on about it.

"Now don't praise me when I tell you all-" Wolf was saying until the gang finally lost their patience and yelled, "Just tell us already!"

"Right. Anyways, I was thinking we could have do Secret Santa this year!" Wolf told them, which they thought was a good idea.

"Okay that's a good idea but you don't have to make it seem like you invented a Time Machine!" Snake told his friend, before going to grab a push-pop from the fridge.

"Man I love this game!" Shark exclaimed, which made Wolf happy his friend like the idea.

"That's the spirit shark!" Wolf exclaimed, before Webs decided to tease him. "Finally, you have a Good idea, you haven't had one for a while."

Hearing this made Wolfs expression change to offended, "Hey! I always have a bunch of good ideas," Which made the gang snicker at their friend.

"Yea Wolf has had plenty of good ideas guys!" Diane told them which made Wolf happy. "Thank you-" Wolf was about to say before Diane interrupted him. "like when you thought it would be a good idea to get snake a pet only for you to leave him in there alone to choose for himself and hear the people screaming from snake trying to eat the Guinea Pigs."

"Hey that was a Good idea!" Snake argued

Which made the gang laugh before Piranha added, "Or when you thought it would be a good idea to have a drinking contest against me, only to end up being drunk and flirt with a woman and end up in a fight with the woman's boyfriend."

The gang then laughed more except for Diane, whom didn't like that night for unknown reasons... maybe a certain Wolf flirting with someone else made her jealous... but who knows right!

Diane was then pulled out of her thoughts when she heard Wolf trying to defend himself. "Okay, well, just because I had two bad ideas dosent mean I don't have any good ones."

After the gang had their fun they got a hat, putting in pieces of paper with their names on it. Wolf, being the last person to withdraw, was surprised and happy to get Diane, though he wondered who got him...

However, he was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard Diane telling them she was gonna leave. "Bye Diane" everyone told her as she headed to the elevator and it was closing before Wolf said, "Bye governor, see you on Christmas." Wolf told her before the elevator doors closed.

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