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Today is another day in the Castle town. It's been only a few days since the King of Spade has been locked up in sort of a... big hamster cage as a prison? Oh well, at least it is a better treatment than the one he had given to the other kings. It would be a lie to say that he wasn't content of it.

There was only one thing he refused to accept. These last few days, someone, a Darkner originated from the card castle, has been hanging around him and his new property disturbing him.

Today they were back, as usual, they sat on the same spot on the floor against the same wall. It's been only a few days and it has already become a habit. They had the noisemaker with them, which they call a "guitar", an instrument brought by the Lightners.

The King could see them well if he just turned around a little bit, but he refused to do so. It would make him feel humiliated to show his enjoyment for a creation done by Lightners.

(Y/n) played around with the guitar, according each strings. It was old but it does the job. Before they could finally begin to play a song they just made up, the King bursted out his anger.

"Are you done already?! Go away! We-- You have NOTHING to do here."

(Y/n) lift up their head in surprise, but it honestly didn't scare them at all. They ignored the King's words and slowly returned to their song.

Song notes followed one after another, making a beautifully, charming song. They hummed along and made it soft and relaxing, it really gave the sensation of a safe and warm shelter, a home.

He stayed silent, no words were needed for (Y/n) to understand that he appreciates it. There was nothing else but only the both of them and the song. The King had slowly loosened up, he could literally sleep here and now, but he refused. He kept this resentful attitude, he quickly knocked himself out of the relaxing mood.

"Argh, stop it already! This is tiring me, stop coming back!"

He tried to reach the guitar through the bars but it was way too far away. (Y/n) kept playing and looked at his struggle in amusement.

"Only here to mock me, huh?!"

"Mock you? My King, the respect I owe you will never fade."

"Then why this devilish-looking grin??"

"Because I know that you are enjoying the song."

"Don't you dare turn me into a softie."

"In fact, you really are one. You love all of my compositions, that is the reason behind my statut of the castle's musician in the past, isn't it?"

The song from the guitar kept going at the same pace. The King retreated back behind the bars and sat facing them.

" 'My King', huh? Why keep calling me that? Is it to humiliate me more?"

"Humiliate, humiliate, humiliate... My King, you don't need to be always thinking about this."

"Then, why?"

"Simply because despite everything, you are still my King. You were the one that gave me a purpose for my existence. Before becoming a musician, I didn't know what I wanted to be at all, I had no goal-"

"Alright alright, stop rambling about this I don't need a bedtime story."

"Then what about a lullaby?"


As they were currently face to face, with only solid bars keeping both of them separated, (Y/n) was finally able to see his face properly and not only from the side. They noticed that it was much different than before.

"You've changed quite a lot, I guess I've won my bet."

"Can't you just make a coherent sentence for once?"

"My King, it is good to see you back."

"Explain me already, what is going on? What kind of bet have you made behind my back?!"

"Because you were not always like this. You see, since the Knight's appearance and the dark fountain, you weren't so agressive and I remember that. I and Rouxls have noticed it, yet he rejected this idea. This is where the bet came from."

They revealed cheerfully. He let out a sigh of exasperation, he was tired of everyone's behavior here as each one of them were absolute mess. He turned around to his sulking pose like he has been for the past few days.

(Y/n) was faced with his back once again and thought that this act was kind of funny, they would surely never admit it knowing what would be his response if they ever showed it. The one sided tension has died down while the song has ended long time ago.

"Lancer is doing well since the Queen keeps him in company, except for the fact that he tries to drink acid battery sometimes, but it's not much. The town is getting more and more lively for the past few days."

"Great news, what am I supposed to do with these informations?"

He says in a sarcastic tone. Right before getting any kind of possible answer, another voice from upstair cut off their conversation.

"(Y/n), I may needeth some help, I cannot findeth prince Ralsei and Lancer and the Queen consumed rocks again!"

"I'm coming!"

They hastily stood up and toddled off, but the King stopped them halfway. Surprisingly, the King, the one who never really showed any sincerity, spoke out words they have never expected to hear.

"Since I am still 'your King', I order you to come back with more songs, it's the only distraction I've got in this boring place."

Those dry words made their smile grow bigger. His command made them overjoyed. (Y/n) turned back to him, they stood straight up before bowing down with a hand placed against their chest.

"As my King wishes."

The King and the musicianWhere stories live. Discover now