Jealousy (Olly Murs & Caroline Flack one shot fic)

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Olly’s POV

I grabbed the keys and left my house. I got into the car and headed to Caroline’s flat. We talked yesterday and arranged a lunch. We’ve both been busy for the last few days and haven’t really seen each other so we decided to spend an afternoon together just casually hanging out.

After an hour long drive I got there, got out of my car and knocked on the door.

I heard her voice form the other side of the door yelling „Just a minute!“ I waited. Few moments later she opened the door. „Hi Caz!“ I exclaimed happily pulling her closer for a hug. „Hi Olls! Come on in, I’m not ready yet, sorry.“  She said grabbing my hand and closing the door. „You already look beautiful, what else do you need to do?“ I asked laughing. „Oi. So cheeky. You say that to every girl.“ She said. „No. Just to you, Caz.“ I stood behind her and gave her a kiss on the cheek smiling at her. „Yeah, sure.“ I heard her mumbling.  She was acting kinda weird but I just let it go and went to sit on the couch while waiting for her to get ready. „Ok, I’m ready. We can go.“ She yelled from the bathroom about 10 mins later. „Just let me fix my hair and get my keys.“

„I’m driving this time. Come on, let’s go!“ I said. She walked out of the bathroom looking more beautiful than ever. She had a cute pink dress with a floral pattern and the strands of her brown hair were falling down her shoulders. „You look beautiful, Caz!“ I said as I took her hand. „Thanks, Olls.“ She blushed a little.

We got into the car and drive off. The soon as I turned on the car Army Of Two started playing on the radio and a giant smile appeared across my face. Caroline laughed at me getting excited over my song playing on the radio. „I watched you on Graham Norton last night.“ She said. „You watched it? What did you think of it?“ I asked. „You were amazing, Olls. You seemed to have a lot of fun with Mila.“ She said weirdly. „Yes I did. She’s great. We had such a good laugh after.“ I replied. „I’m sure you did.“ She said turning her head to the window barely paying any attention to me as she was singing along to the words of the song that was on the radio. She suddenly stopped when I looked at her. „Your voice is so good, Caz. Sing some more!“ I smiled at her. „Not better than Mila’s.“ I heard her whispering to herself. „I don’t feel like singing, I don’t like this song.“ She smiled back.

„Wait. What’s with all the Mila stuff?” I asked her as I gently took her head and turned it so I can look her directly in her eyes. „Nothing.“ She replied pulling her head down. „Are you jealous, Caz?“ I asked her laughing. „What? Of course I’m not, Olly!!“ She said loudly as she tried to open the car doors. „Yes you are!“ I laughed even more. „I can’t believe you’re jealous of her.“ I said still laughing. „It’s not funny, Olls!“ she pushed me jokingly. „Let’s go, come on!“ she said. „No, wait. Tell me why are you jealous.“ I asked. „Because you said you wanted to have her babies on a national television, for fuck’s sake Olly!“ She replied. „Caz, I was obviously joking. I would only have your babies.“ I laughed even more. „Shut up!“ she turned around trying to escape the eye contact. „I’m not even kidding. Come on here and look at me.“ I said. „What?“ she asked as she turned around. „You’re so sweet, you know.“ I said stroking her hair. „What are you doing Olly?“ She asked. Her cheeks going red. „Nothing. Just assuring you that there’s nothing you should be jealous about.“ I said pulling her closer and pressing my lips on hers. I felt her pressing her lips on mine too. We teared apart and she smiled at me. „Whoa.“ I saw her blushing even more. „That surely assured me, Olls.“ She said. „It did?“ I asked. „Wait just one more second. I want to be completely sure.“ I said as I pressed my lips on hers for one more time. „Let’s go now. We have a lunch to catch.“ She said smiling at me with the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2013 ⏰

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