Chapter 3-Blood Thief's test

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Your still telling the story

The soldiers, the prince and Blood Thief arrived soon at the palace. Here, the prince ordered a room to get ready for the girl to rest in. She would rest for the day and then she would have the test the next day, early in the morning. So she stayed in her room, took a bath and read books that were already in her room. She went to bed early so that she would be able to finish the test tomorrow.

When she woke up, she found a new set of clothes lying next to her. A letter was with them.

When you are ready, get down the corridor.

Third room on the left, guards will help you start the exam.


She soon ended up in front of the door. Hesitantly, she opened it and got in. About fifteen mans where standing in front of her. Not knowing what to do, she just stood here, looking around her. Suddently, all the mans got to the side, forming a passage for a women with blonde hair.

Small break from the story

I look at Kiki. She's smiling slightly. Zen and Sirayuki are looking at my lips moving with every words I say, they were both in the story. Mitsuhide him, was looking out of the window, his attention was all on me.

- Aren't you going to continue? It's interesting to imagine this story espacially because it concern Lord Brother, the white haired prince asked.

- Of course, it's actually is a beautiful story, Kiki said.

They all looked at her, surprised.

- Do you know the story? Shirayuki asked, curious.

- Of course, who do you think the blonde haired women is?

Everyone's eye grow big as they finally realize. I chuckle.

- Kiki and Blood Thief met in this condition. Our friend here needed to make sure she did the test correctly, I added. 

- Okay, can you please just start talking again? Mitsuhide asked, impatient.

Back to the story

- Welcome, Blood Thief! We were waiting for you. I am Kiki, I will be helping you out today.

- It's a pleasure to meet you. Can we start the test from now? I really want to finish fastly.

She just chuckled and led the assassin through the room to a door.

- When you will open this door, your exam will start. Yous hould make attention to everything around you because the prince will ask you some wuestion afterward.

She nod and put her hand on the handle. Slowly turning it around, she opened the door. When she entered, she felt warm. The weather in the room felt different from what was with the soldier. In front of her, was lava and rocks where everywhere. The rock made a way through the pool of red/orange liquid.

- Oh, I imagined it more difficult than that.

She smirked and in less than two second, was jumping. It was easy for her to do that, after all she was able to run on the roof of every house. When she came to the end, she looked around her and on the ground, a small door was visible. She signed and oppened it. Not even looking under her, she jumped in the small hole. To her surprised, she fell in a small cage of glass, full of water. It was cold, freezing but she didn't mind the cold, she just wanted to get out. Looking at the walls, she soon enough found the lock. Then she didn't lost time and got to the bottom of the cage. It was kind of big and she soon felt the pressure in her ears but nothing could stop her. After all it was or finishing the test or get into prison cell. Her hands touched the bottom until she found the stearling silver key. She was almost out of breath when she unlocked the door and got out of the waterful cage. 

She didn't even have time to take a breath as guards came around her. She wanted to smirk but didn't have the force to. So she got her knives out.

- You really want to fight against me? she asked them.

No one talked, no one moved. She just got to the first two in front of her, slashing fastly. To her surprise, the weapons cut a piece of the men. Their hands and heads got to the floor and she discovered that they were made of paper.

- Siriously?! Do you really think I am that incompetent?! I am an assassin for godness sake!

I slash all of them fastly and when they are all in pieces the door on my right unlocked. I walked through the door and found Kiki standing in front of me, her sword out.

- You need to fight against me. I will be evaluating you moves. 

- Okay!

Blood Thief was excited. Kiki looked powerful, a perfect challenge for her. She positioned herself in a fighting stance and waited for Kiki to do the same. Once both of them were in positions, they started to fight. Blood Thief attacked first, but Kiki was able to block it. Then the blonde haired woman slashed with her sword. But the assassin and thief was able to dodge it easily.

That's how all the match went: attack, block, attack, dodge, attack block, attack, dodge. Until, both womans were on their knees, not able to move anymore. 

- Thank you, the thief said.

- Huh? For what?

- This duel was amazing. It's the first time I get to battle with someone who's around my level.

- Well, I'm sure we will have plenty of other fights when you join.

- I would love too. I am going to win the next one.

- In your dreams.

They both shook hand, as if they were selling a promise. From this day onward, they became friends.

Story end (for now)

- I remember clearly this duel, it was one of the best I had in the palace since I joined, Kiki said.

- This Blood Thief is really cool! Zen said.

- Yes, she is super powerful too! I would like to be like her, Shirayuki added.

My heart felt warm at what they said. They found me cool and powerful.

- I'm sorry to interrupt, a voice called us from one of the windows.

A black haired man appeared. His yellow cat-like eyes were looking at me.

- Zen, do you know him? I asked.

- Yep, he work for me.

- Oh, I am Y/n, pleased to meet you, I gave him a hand.

He got inside and answered.

- Obi, Zen talked about you a lot. He said you were travelling to find your real parents?

- Yep! And I did find them in the end.

- Oh yeah?! Who are they? Zen and Mitsuhide asked, screaming.

- S. Nawfal

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