Lover Mine

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Blood drip aas the rain falls, a large male runs weakly pain causing him to limp, his breathing labored as the laughing starts again! He looks over his shoulder, the shadows move on their own, taking shape and form, glowing eyes and gleaming smiles amidst the darkness.

Erin tries to run, but these things follow, he's weak, his clothing stained with blood, it soaks into his shirt and jeans, dripping to the ground as the hungry shadown move in, lapping at the bloodied street. "H... Help me... Anyone!" he shouts, his voice too low as he tries to shout louder.

The shadows giggle and cackle, aan attack comes, he's too weak to move or block, it rips into his side! He screams in pain, but his voice is drowned out by the laughter. He falls to his knees, unable to fight any more he collapsed to the pavement. Blood pooling as the shadows close in, licking and slifping the spilled blood.

A figure emerged from the shadows, a female hidden in darkness, a long Japanese katana gleams in the dim light. Erin watches as she gets closer, too weak to stop her, he watched her cruel lips curl into a sadistic grin, one that made a mockery of her normally beautiful and radiant face.

"Good bye... Mochrí" she whispers.

He smiles... Mochrí... My Heart... Tears blur his vision as the blade lifts, it splits the air as easy as it would his flesh, but a sudden light blinds him, burning his eyes and burning the shadows!!

Weakly he looks up, two sets of legs stand between him and his lover, his eyes look up to see two girls facing away from him. The speak, but his mind fails, his vision fades as Setsuka charges the two children, he sword held ready to end their short lives...

"NO!! SETSUKA STOP!!" Erin screams as he sat up, his body hurt, his head hurt, his world hurt. He looks around, his mind returning to the present! Sun trickled in through a small crack in the blinds, he groans as he slowly stands, his back was stiff and his hips ache, how could the Japanese sleep on the floor, even with the mats it was uncomfortable!

A door slides open as an elderly Buddhist monk shuffles in. "Ah... That dream again?" A smile crossed his wizened face as he moves closer, a basket of bandages clutched in his wrinkled hands, "Rest now... You nearly died, your wounds are still fresh, you must calm yourself, your stitches may reopen..."

Erin took a deep breath and sat down, his back to the monk. Slowly, the monk removed his bloodied bandages. It had been one month since that night, one month since he came here. The girls and this monk saved him that night, yet his wounds are still open. The monk tisked, saying something in Japanese, then applied more herb paste and began rewrapping him.

"I wonder... These wounds show no sign of healing, not even with the medicine." the monk pondered.

"Grandpa!!" shouts a voice, followed by an almost identical one sshouting, "We found it!!" the sound of running comes up the hall, as the two girls rush in holding a large and aged book. Erin looks them over, they were twins, almost identical twins. One, named Ai, has bluish black hair and a scar burned into her left cheek. Ritsku, with a scar on her right cheek, has purplish black hair. They both wore identical kimonos, with black silk and red cherry blossoms.

"Ah... I see..." muses the monk, "That sounds like it... The Sōru Sakenomi..." he held up the text, Erin gasped as he saw a painting of Setsuka's sword! "This sword..." the monk spoke, "Is bad news. Its a cursed weapon, said to feed off of the life of those it cuts. Its name means 'Drinker of Life'..."

Ritsku moves closer to her grandfather, looking at the pages, as Ai moves to Erin's side and straitened his bandages. Erin thanked her, and Ai blushed as she looked down.

"No... Thank you!" the monk said. "This temple was failing, and we had no money. But you gave us so much that we were able to fix all the damage, and even had extra."

"Ye... Yes!" Ritsku spoke, "We... Even bought food with it. You saved us Boss!!"

Ai nodded, "Before you came, we didn't have anything to eat." she blushed "Thank you... Brother!"

Erin smiled, "Well, I had to do something, you rescued me, and even now you are protecting and trying to heal me!" he bows in ways he's seen in movies and anime, which caused the girls to blush and bow to him...

Meanwhile.... in a dark forgotten place, Setsuka lays clutching her sheathed sword. It still smelled like him, his blood was strong in the air! "Oh... Erin..." she moaned, "You said you were mine, you said your life was mine..." Parting her thighs, the wooded sheath moves against her exposed womanhood, grinding against the crisp pubes that cover her feminine mound. She moans, "You lied... You lied to me, you took me..." The sheath grinds harder as she kissed the extended handle, his lips press against the silk and twine, as she bucks her hips. Slowly, she pushed the blade up, exposing part of the blade. Her tongue glides over the dull back of the blade, she moans as she tastes his blood. "Ah... Erin, why do you hate me so?" She straddles the wooded sheath harder, her tongue teasing the blade, suddenly blood oozes from the metal. Happily, Setsuka licks the crimson fluid, panting as her climax crests...

Erin gasps, the cut over his left eye starts bleeding again, the bandages soaking up the fresh blood, his side aches again, and his back. All the places Setsuka sliced him, all stinging as if it were happening all over again.

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