11. Gussa Out Of Control 💀

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After one month, in shrey's college.

Shrey's pov

" Bhaiya do samosa aur dena."

" Ankit, how much are you gonna eat brother?" Madhav asked looking at Ankit. He has eaten 6 samosa already now.

" In the morning I fought with mom and left without having anything so I'm hungry obviously."

" Aunty kicked you out right?" Madhav and me started laughing while Ankit took another bite of samosa without being bothered by us.

Oh wait, i didn't introduce you to my friends. They are Madhav and Ankit, not just best friends, my brothers actually. We were the famous trio of my our school since the childhood days. So many friends came and go but our bond never broke.

Coming out from my thoughts, I passed the water bottle to Ankit. He was coughing " Drink it. "

" Thanks bro. Bhaiya do aur. "

Me and Madhav looked at each being shocked now. He is gonna eat more.

Our classes are done for today. Ankit wanted to eat so we came to give him company. A smile curved on my lips thinking I'm gonna meet Arini after college.

From next week she will be having her boards. Soon her & mine everyday meeting session will end. And.... I'm not happy with it. Today is the last day of her as my student in my home :(

" Oye fattu kya kar rha? Firse samosa? Sorry I forgot, you and your friends can only afford this. " ( hey looser, what are you eating? Samosa again?)

The unwanted voice came from my back. I don't even have to turn my head to see the owner of the voice. Cause I already know.

It's none other than the rich spoilt brat of our college. Karan Bhatia. And we are enemies. I.Hate.Him.

" Bas is namune ki kami thi abh.." Ankit whispered looking at me and Madhav.

( only he was left to come)

I sighed and drank water silently. I want to ignore him just. I don't wanna bring any fight today.

" Did Shrey Gupta and his friends forget the language? Can't you guys talk anymore or afraid of me? " Now Karan came in front of me.

" What happened bro? Why stopped eating? Eat that cheap oily samosa. Tumhari aaukat ka hai." He chuckled sarcastically while tapping on Ankit's shoulder. ( you can afford this only)

I saw Ankit fisting his hands tightly. Is he bringing any fight now? Don't brother, just ignore that sick head Karan.

Leaving that fist, Ankit closed his eyes and took a long deep breath. He opened and said, " Ha aur fir bhi teri girlfriend humari dost ke piche hi lattu hai 🤣 teri aukat dikh gayi. " And Ankit laughed making Madhav chuckle. But I didn't show an expression as I'm too annoyed already by his girlfriend's behavior.

( and your so called girlfriend roams around our friend. Showed what you can afford)

Karan did not waste time and grabbed Ankit's collar. Madhav and I jumped there to separate them from each other. Karan was about to punch on his nose but I held his fist. Meanwhile Madhav separated Ankit from Karan's hold.

" You £¢÷€¢€ , how dare you say that!?!" Karan shouted on the top of his lungs.

( £€÷€¢€ = imagine as if it's some curse)

Just as he cursed, it already unlocked the rage in me. " Don't shout Karan, you are the one who started it. " I said still sounding calm.

He turned to me to give a glare. " You're the one who started it. You are the one who played with my girlfriend's mind. You are the one who should be beaten, killed by my bare hands. "

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