Hi it is me again! rinn! Today I found out Something funny and also very weird because there are monsters walking around in my room there is a furcorn in the kitchen trying to get those apples. I also found a rare furcorn and called her breakfast. (The pictures are just paper monsters)
See?? A FURCORN. I called him lunch and when I stepped out my bed, a catalizt was on my lap, Like HOW?! I've never seen this before. It can be cringe but, WE KNOW
This is lunch. A little b- he stole my pancakes at lunch time and stalks me while in my house. So I put him in the garden but SOMEHOW THIS LITTLE FURCORN FOUND A WAY TO GET ON THE ROOF AND GET IN THE HOUSE. (Little vent: I'm dying of laughter while making this part) and a few days later when I checked the basement for the 3rd time, THIS DUDE WAS HIDING
He took my phone and tried to eat it. I called him socks because his tongue. I think he is bisexual.