Chapter One - Scopophobia

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     You were a college student who moved from a big city to this tiny town you didn't even know existed. It was so small there were only two police officers; Jack and John. You haven't gotten a chance to introduce yourself formally, but you have seen them around.
Your neighbors were as nice as they could get; a woman who worked as an architect (you really needed to ask for her name later....), and her seven year old son, who called himself Skid. You rarely saw him without his skeleton costume. His best friend, who called himself Pump, also almost never took off his pumpkin costume. It seemed that their favorite holiday was Halloween, which they called "spooky day." You'd often see them at Candy Club, pestering the guy who worked there named Kevin.
You'd try and get a job there as soon as possible, but for now, your parents loaned you a decent amount of money. You could probably make it last for at least the next three months if you were careful.
You were on your phone, scrolling mindlessly through various social media sites. You were about to scroll past a sponsored news post when the caption caught your eye.
Serial killer and cannibal Bob Velseb escaped from prison.
Quickly, you scrolled back up. Looking at the mugshot of Bob made your hair stand on end. There was something...inhuman...about him. The lack of shine in his eyes, and the too-wide grin almost triggered your fight-or-flight. You shut off your phone and tossed it a few feet away from you, not bothering to read the rest of the post.
That face was going to haunt you in your nightmares.
You didn't know just how real those nightmares were going to get.


You pulled the hood of your jacket further over your head, shivering a bit. It was late October, with only a few more days until Halloween, and it already felt like it was going to snow. You wondered what the temperature was as you continued your walk home.
Walking past Lila's house, you noticed Skid and Pump playing outside. Skid looked up to see you wave, and he waved back.
"Y/N! Do the Spooky Dance with us!" He got up and ran over to you, with Pump following close behind.
"I'm sorry guys, I have to go home. I have something really important to do," You stuffed your hands in your pockets and sighed. The assignments weren't going to do themselves.
"Awww, pleeaaasse, Y/N?" Pump frowned.
"Oh, alright. Show me how you do it again...."
After a quick dance with the two kids, you waved goodbye and continued your walk to your house. You fumbled for your keys, then unlocked your door and headed inside. Almost instantly, you felt uneasy. Like someone...something, was watching you. You locked the door behind you, shaking your head to try to get rid of the feeling. There was no reason anybody would be watching you; you lived alone, you didn't have any pets, and you didn't know anyone well enough to have them as guests. So then why couldn't you shake the feeling that someone was watching your every move?
You took off your jacket, draped it over a chair, and kicked off your shoes. You hoped that whatever it was would go away.
Paranoia was slowly creeping up your spine, however, and while you were in the middle of working on a class assignment, you shut your laptop and got up, inspecting every window and door in your one story house. Despite the dent marks on your front door from that one time you accidentally locked yourself out and had to kick open the door, there was no sign that someone had broken into your house.
You hated the idea of being stalked. It was one of your worst fears. You'd had nightmares as a child that a murderer watched you day and night until he snuck into your room and stabbed you to death. You shuddered at the memory.
Too anxious to work, you decided to watch TV and distract yourself. You plopped down on the couch and put your feet up on the coffee table, switching through the channels to find something interesting.
Eventually, you found a documentary about the rainforest, and you settled on that. Leaning back against the pillows, you grabbed a blanket and wrapped yourself in it.
This was cozy. It made you feel sleepy.
In your drowsy state, however, you failed to notice the man standing in the doorframe of your room, staring at you intently and wiping drool from his mouth.

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