Chapter 17

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Shadow, Sonic, and Silver arrive at Eggman's base. They stare at the base before Sonic starts walking towards it while Silver hears someone walking towards them. He turns his head to see Diamond walking towards them. He smiles before looking over at Sonic, "Sonic! Diamond is over there!" He points at Diamond walking towards them.

Sonic stops walking and turns towards her. He smiles as well and waves to her, "Hey!"

Diamond stops walking as she glares at them.

Silver stops smiling and says to Shadow, "Is she ok?"

Shadow studies her as he narrows his eyes. She doesn't seem to be moving a muscle until he watches her summon a huge scythe with plasma spewing out of her hand. He gets in front of Silver and Sonic, "She is controlled, we need to figure out how to get her uncontrolled."

Silver steps next to Shadow, "I will help you."

Sonic runs up to Silver, "You would be better off trying to stop the controlling."

Scourge jumps down next to Diamond and puts an arm around her, "Hello, Sonic."

Sonic turns to Scourge and glares, "Silver, you need to go figure out how to stop the controlling."

"There is no stopping the controlling." Scourge says with a smirk. He continues, "There is a green liquid inside of her that is controlling her. Her job is to destroy you 3."

"Eggman and you are using a poor old woman to do your guys' dirty work? That's low!" Sonic says aloud.

"Old? Please, she looks young." Scourge puts his head onto her shoulder before he gets shoved off her by Diamond pushing him off. He looks over at Diamond and smirks, "My bad." He turns back towards the trio.

Eggman hover over everyone, "Hello Sonic, Shadow, Silver! Are you guys enjoying my latest accomplishment?!"

Sonic looks up at Eggman, "This is low, Eggman. Even for you this is low!"

Silver says while getting into a fighting stance, "Sonic concentrate. This doesn't seem right."

Shadow looks at Diamond. He tries to study her and figure out how to stop Eggman and Scourge from controlling his friend. He doesn't want to lose another person from his past. He isn't close to the kittens, but he doesn't even know their purpose and as to why they are even special to Diamond. Only thing that he does know is that he has to bring Diamond back to them.

Tails flies in the tornado as he reaches the area, "Sonic!"

Sonic looks up at Tails, "Tails!"

Eggman grumbles as he looks down at Diamond, "Get rid of those pesky rodents!"

Diamond digs her foot into the ground before launching herself towards the hedgehogs. Trying to cut them with her scythe but missed due to the trio speeding out of the way.

Sonic turns to Tails, "Tails! Deal with Eggman!"

Tails nods and turns to Ray and Olympia, "Can you 2 deal with Scourge?"

Ray smiles, "I am willing to fight green bean again." She jumps off the tornado as she drags Olympia off with her. She lands onto her feet while Olympia lands on her back. She turns towards her friend, "You alright?"

"You dragged me off a plane! No, I am not alright. You deal with green bean. I will join once I am no longer in pain." Olympia waves Ray off.

Ray nods and begins to run towards Scourge who smirked at her and runs towards her. She dodges out of the way for Scourge to punch her as she quickly turns around and tries to kick him.

Scourge catches her foot and throws her.

Sonic runs towards Diamond and tries to spin dash her.

Diamond spots the spin dash and turns her scythe into a rope dagger. She spins it and jumps into the air and throws the dagger. Smacking Sonic with it before she lands a kick at him in the back.

Silver uses his telekinesis and gets a hold of Diamond, "I don't want to hurt you, we are trying to help you!"

Diamond transforms the rope dagger into a gun. She points it at Silver and takes a shot.

Sonic runs up to Silver and pushes him out of the way. Both land onto the ground as they turn to watch Diamond fall onto her feet.

Shadow runs up to Diamond and kicks her away from everyone. He turns towards Sonic and Silver, "Go help the others!" He looks back over to where Diamond has gone, "I got her."

Sonic and Silver look at each other before nodding. They get off the ground before watching Shadow run after Diamond.

Silver turns towards Sonic, "We should figure out more about the controlling liquid that they used."

Sonic nods as the duo run and flies into the base to get answers.

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