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I couldn't believe I was going to hunt with a forest Na'vi boy I just met that day. What would my two-day before self have said?

"This way." I called, gesturing to the waters just beyond the village. We rode on our Ilus—I had to admit that Lo'ak was getting better at this underwater travel thing.

"Don't go so fast, Y/N!"

"Then keep up, forest boy!"

I rode faster, causing Lo'ak to shout from behind me. "Y/N!"

Laughing, I dived into the ocean. The moment I entered the water, marine life glittered around me. I saw various kinds of creatures coming to greet us. A random stingray-like animal paddled up as well. Hi, I signed, giggling. Then, I spotted Eywa's underwater form—like shimmering golden tadpoles—following us. They surrounded Lo'ak. He looked at me for answers as one by one, they covered his body.

You're glowing, I signed, laughing. He was now a shiny giant golden tadpole. Could it perhaps be a sign? Nevermind. A sign of what, anyway?

Almost hearing my thoughts, the creatures squirmed off Lo'ak and surrounded me instead. I touched one with my finger to send a message to Eywa.

Okay, Great Mother. I told her, That's enough now. We need to go hunting. Obediently, they swam away and left us alone, though I noticed a couple following us as we rode.

Hurry, forest boy. I told Lo'ak. We are approaching the hunting area.

Deciding I wanted to have a little bit of fun, I shot forward and hid behind a large coral. I watched with amusement as Lo'ak swiveled around, trying to find me.

Playing around now, I used my hands to control the movement of the water. I conducted the current to sway, tossing him and his Ilu around. I giggled underwater seeing him so confused.

Suddenly, the shadow of something big appeared overhead. An akula! But we weren't outside the reef! How did it get here?

"Lo'ak!" I tried to call, but remembered I'm underwater. Forcing myself to stay calm, I willed the current to bring him towards me.

Oh hey. He said, grinning. I took his hand urgently.

There's an akula nearby.

A what?

Mustering up my energy, I stared him dead in the eye. Bad monster. You're gonna die. Follow me. I expected his eyes to glaze over and for him to nod and follow, but instead he stared at me, confused.

Wait, did I imagine it, or did your voice just appear in my head? He asked, signing the words. I groaned and pulled him along on our Ilus. You imagined it.

The akula swooped down on us without warning. I shouted, causing bubbles to block my vision. I felt Lo'ak's hand being torn from my grip.

Working quickly, I made the biggest oxygen bubble possible and surrounded my head with it. Now I could breath. a/n ~ this is turning into both avatars, if you know what I mean

"Lo'ak!" I screamed, twisting around in vain. I could still feel his presence nearby.

Child. Eywa's voice suddenly rang in my head. Let him go.

What?! I shrieked inwardly. But Eywa's voice remained calm.

I will protect him. He must journey this alone. Trust me, child. Bring him outside the reef.

"Great Mother, you want me to current him outside the reef?" I whispered. I didn't get a spoken response, but I knew the answer.

Taking a deep breath, I tried not to freak out. But I couldn't disobey a direct order from the Great Mother. And I also couldn't do this without revealing my... "abilities" to Lo'ak. Oh, well. Maybe if he survived this then we'd have a talk about it and I could gaslight him.

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