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[Narration: A young boy that stood at 6'2, had dark brown hair that was in an Afro, brown skin, dark brown parallelogram shaped eyes, and angular eyebrows, was on a wheelchair with another girl sitting on his lap, being chased by a bunch of five foot tall bees. The girl had light brown dreadlocks that reached her shoulders, brown skin, parallelogram shaped eyes that were dark brown, pointed ears, thick lips, a nose ring, and
fairly large breast. She stood at 5'6, and as she was just turned around while looking at the bees chase them, the main guy was just moving his hands rapidly.]

[Unknown narration: Now, you may wonder who those two sexy people are, and I'll tell ya. The boy putting the wheelchair to work, that's me, Quiet. The girl on my lap, that's my sis, Luisa. We're twins, and it's literally our first day in school. Now, to those watching, since obviously my life must be a fucking movie, let me tell you how we got to this situation. For starters, you other worlders probably are reading this as a comic, or even a book, well, my world isn't too different from yours. Only difference is we have abilities. You guys can't summon things out of thin air like most of us. We can use magic.
And those who can't use magic, could use a thing called aura. Life energy. In a way, everyone has the basic ability of energy manipulation.
Now, as a quick explanation, magic is energy of the universe that isn't explained. It often clashes with science, however, there are some who use science techniques too.]


[Narration: Quiet was just wearing his book bag while walking beside Luisa, his sister, who was carrying a purse. They were walking along the sidewalk and while walking, they were wearing uniforms that were dark blue and formal.]

Quiet: (bored expression) These pants make my nuts itch.

Luisa: (bored expression) My underwear keeps riding up my ass.

Quiet: (stretches while yawning) Sucks for you. Hey, you think there's any cute girls in our class?

Luisa: (pulls out a lighter from her pocket and lights a spliff) I dunno man. I dunno.

Quiet: (side glances at her) Smoking already? Jeez, the smell's gonna get in your clothes.

Luisa: (takes a pull) Don't care.

Quiet: You stressin'?

Luisa: Mom was on my ass doing retwists for three hours, talking about, "you gotta look presentable on your first day of school". I'm tired bro. I didn't even choose this high school.

Quiet: (yawns) Really? I thought you chose this school.

Luisa: Nah. Apparently our dad went to this school.

Quiet: (looks away) Ehhh.

[Narration: Quiet reaches out his hand and a silver ring appears from thin air.]

Luisa: Eh? What're you doing?

[Narration: Quiet tosses the ring on the ground and as it duplicated into two rings, it suddenly glowed and turned into a bike. He got on it and as he looked towards her, she just sat on the end of the bike.]

Luisa: Pulling out your iblis ring to get to school early?

Quiet: You know it.

[Quiet's narration: That ring is called an Iblis ring, which is a weapon of object born of the darker parts of the user's soul, originally made by a djinn named Iblis. Everyone has an inner iblis ring, however, it's not a simple summon, and no, it's not always a ring. Iblis rings are versatile weapons that have personalities, and can actually speak to you if you bond with it correctly. Often they have an element attached to it, which coincides with your natural affinity, however, sometimes it's very random. For example, mine is simply a metal ring, however, my sister's is a ring of dark energy. As you see, my ring has just turned into a bike, and that is because I'm pretty well bonded with mine, and I'm creative. The basic shape of the weapon plays a big role in creativity, as, if you can imagine and keep it's basic shape, it can become it. But that's not to say it could turn into a dragon or some shit just because you're imaginative, it has to make sense. As you seen, my weapon duplicated itself, and that is because it was fed more metal to be able to summon more. As I've said, these weapons live and grow, and their potential is near limitless.]

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