NL 20

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Healing the Shadow

           Nasima came to them in glee, "Hi," She waved over to everyone. "Sizerci, Sarci!  I brought everything!"

Both of her older siblings stared at her, with hidden memories threaten to come out when she called them that.  It was just as she used to.  And a vision was threatening to come onto Naricelissa.

"She still calls them..." Syrukia whispered to Kaizo and Suni.

"Oh so you needed a favor from me?" Rizu turned to the people around.

"That's right!" Naricelissa exclaimed, "You have pure elemental magic!  Not only are you from that kingdom but you are a prince, meaning your magic is higher and better!"

He widen his eyes, "Wouldn't my brother be better though he is much mo--"

Naricelissa shook her head, "Nonsense why would he help us?  He is much too busy besides you are both equally good!"

He widen his eyes, and clasped his hands together, "Yes!  I will help you and create the ultimate revival for shadow affected people!"

"Excellent!" She turned to her sister, "Nasima my stuff?"

"All of it? You have like tons of things!  Look at all of these weapons and not to mention these strange orbs, potions, mixed magic items, amulets, and special armor." She said in amazement,
     "Just about everything about magic that I've read about if not more!"

"Sister, try the notebook." She laughed at her antics.

Nasima widen her eyes and pulled out a notebook of only 500 pages, "Oh this small thing?"

Naricelissa nodded, "That's right Nasi!"

"Okay, so how are you going to do this.  I am actually going to see you do some epic magic thing which is gonna be totally cool, but it will also help Her Highness which is the best thing in the world." She exclaimed full of lit eyes,
     "You get to help save her!  Hey Nako can I meet Her Highness?!  Pleaseeeeee!" She begged with eagerness.

"Uhh if this works, then I guess if they don't mind."

"ALRIGHT!  I get to meet her!" She smiled widely, "Imma tell all my friends and they're gonna be so jealous just like when they found out my brother was the royal knight.  Maybe I should mention my sister is a--"

"Wait you need all the different magic types from every kingdom and places for it to work?" She suddenly paled. 
       "You haven't gotten magic from everywhere did you?"

Naricelissa shook her head, "We already have every type of magic.  Her Majesty, Queen Midnira Esperon magic and from N--"

Nasima suddenly interrupted, "Wait why is she doing it?  Not that there is anything wrong from it but I just assumed His Amazing Highness would?"

       "Uhh well there's no reason," Naricelissa shrugged debating if she should tell the actual reason and decline of most of the Esperons' magic.

"Nakosir, you didn't tell me your sister was a Kespero." Niderudion looked at him amused.

"Kespero!? Now that's kinda extreme, Your Highness.  All Esperons do appreciate and adore the royal family.  I am no different.  Narica used to be this way whe... EEK!"
      Narissa shocked her sister.  "Sorry Narica!"

"Don't lie about something like that, I never was like that." Narissa told her sister.

"Actually Narica I do beg to differ," Nakosir spoke up, grinning.

Narissa pointed to her neck and stared at her brother as she made an expression that any would assume she would end him if he continued.

Nasima was about to say something when Narissa whispered to her, "Candy!"

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