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AFTER THE PINK HAIRED TEEN, had lunch with Y/N once, he only wanted to get closer to her and know more about her. He watched her every day and she was just so ordinary, and he idolized her for that, but, he knew there was more to that and he wanted to know what it was.

"Are you sure Saiki isn't just.. playing hard to get or something?!" Chiyo reassured her friend.

Teruhashi was on the verge of tears, she didn't think she'd ever get Saiki. He was becoming way more distant than before.

"No, he.. he's acting different now.." Teruhashi mumbled as her right eye repeatedly twitched.

Chiyo tilted her head to the side, "And you can tell..?"

"Of course I can tell! He's going to be my boyfriend soon!" Teruhashi stomped her foot, her usually high voice getting deeper with ever word she said.

Chiyo backed away from the blue haired female, "O-Okay..."

Teruhashi huffed as she crossed her arms.

"Well.. what if he just likes someone else and that's why he can't see you that often?"

"Oh. My. God. That's right!" Teruhashi piped up, clasping her hands together with a grin before her smile fell once she realized her crush didn't like her back. "No.. this is bad!"

Chiyo giggled, slapping a hand on her mouth when she saw the glare Teruhashi sent her. "S-So what are you gonna do about it?"

Teruhashi cleared her throat, "I'm gonna find out who Saikis little crush is!"

"Then what are you gonna do after that?"

"I'll.. I'll... Uh, I'll just figure it out once I finish catching her..?"

"Alrighty then."

It was lunch time again and Saiki stared at Y/N, all of his attention directed to her and only her. He knew that his obsession with some random girl was getting bad, but he didn't really care.

The H/C haired female shifted under the males intense gaze, looking everywhere to distract herself from the stare she got from Saiki.

"Hey, guys!" Teruhashi giggled to the group of friends.

Nendo and Kaido blushed as they stared at the female in awe and amazement.

"Hi, Teruhashi!" Kaido and Nendo said in sync, Kaido looking away from the girl while Nendo just stared at her with a creepy smile.

Teruhashi just stood in front of them with a smile before her eyes landed on the female that silently ate her food.

Hm. I guess she doesn't like me since all of the guys want me. It's okay, I'm used to it!

Teruhashi recalled a memory of the H/C haired girl. She saw her and Saiki talking once, and she didn't get an answer from the girl. She believed the girl was lying.

The blue haired girl made her way over to Y/N, taking a seat next to her. "Hey, Y/N!"

"Hey." Teruhashi bit her bottom lip at the dry response.

Clearing her throat once again, Teruhashi continued, "So.. do you know anything about Saiki?"

Y/N rolled her eyes. It was obvious that Teruhashi didn't like her, but she seemed to be the only one who saw that.

"No, I already told you, I didn't know him then so what makes you think I know him now?"

The blue eyed females mouth slightly opened at the females words, "What about last week? I saw you and him getting along pretty well."

"I just gave him my coffee jelly and I guess he was thankful."


"You think I'm lying, don't you?"

"Yes. I do think your lying."

"Why though? You can keep him, weirdo. Nobody is gonna go after him."

Teruhashi stammered in shock before she just decided to leave Y/N alone.

Damn it, so it can't be her.

Saiki sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose from second hand embarrassment. "Damn it. This isn't the way I wanted it to be, Y/N. I thought you liked me.."

Chiyo called after Teruhashi who had just stormed out of the lunch room with yet another passive aggressive smile.

The brown eyed girl groaned out, whipping her head towards Y/N. "Why did you do that?!"

"Why'd I do what!?" Y/N responded with a confused look.

"You pissed her off! She's gonna be so snappy at me..."

"Okay, well, she shouldn't have tried to get snappy with me."

"She didn't, though!"

Nendo waved his hands up and down, "Hey.. ladies, ladies, calm d-"

"SHUT UP, NENDO!" Both of the girls turned their heads towards nendo, yelling at the male in sync before continuing their argument.

"As I was saying, yes she did! She was tryna accuse me of sleeping with her boyfriend or whoever the fuck that guy is!"

"I know that but she was just in, like, detective mode or something! You didn't have to snap out at her like that!"

"Jesus christ, you ride her so fucking hard and she doesn't even fucking like you!"

Chiyo fumed at the females response, "This is wh-"

Before the girl could finish her sentence, her mouth was pouting out, forming 'kissy lips' as her head was yanked upwards so she was now staring at the ceiling.

Kaido and Nendo stared at the female with their mouths wide open in shock.

Y/N side eyed Chiyo and her stranger behavior, "Are you good?"

Chiyo shook her head no as tears formed in her eyes, showing that she was in pain.

Y/N gasped before she got out of seat to make her way towards her friend, attempting to pull her lips apart.

When nothing happened and she saw tears rolling down from Chiyos eyes, she shook her back and forth by her shoulders, but still, nothing.

"What the hell is happening?!" Kaido yelled, placing both hands on his head.

Y/N beckoned for Nendo to come help, ignoring the look from and offended Kaido.

Nendo shook the female back and forth with more strength than Y/N, and surprisingly it worked.

Chiyo collapsed onto the floor, gasping for air even though she could breathe through her nose the entire time.

"What'd you do?!" Y/N shouted, fuming with anger at her friend. "You could've died!"

"Oops, too much?" Saiki thought to himself, his lips slowly forming into a smirk.

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