chapter one

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The announcement went off loud and clear. "Attention to all we have two hours left untill we can purge good luck to all" everyone was uneasy and silent. I shivered and held back tears. "Well its time to lock up soon so I'm going home" my friend joey said with his girlfriend hanging on his arm. I simply nodd. "Bye skylar stay safe" I didn't respond and the door was slammed shut. I was honestly afraid to be alone. I shut up all the doors. The Windows were boarded shut. I went outside and saw it was mostly quiet besides people boarding their Windows or trying to rush to their protection. "Excuse me miss you need any protection tonight?" I shook my head and headed back into my house and closed my curtains. I looked on the mantle and a single tear ran down my cheek as I saw a picture that I couldn't bear to move or I'd break down. It still hangs there haunting me. I lay onto the couch drowning in tears. Soon my eyes fluttered and I was out.
I woke up with a loud alarm going off. I jumped up. I must have fallen asleep you should never fall asleep when there is a purge so close. "All crime is now illegal good luck and happy purging" the alarm sounded once more before going completely silent. I shot up and turned on my alarm systems. I then went to the closest and grabbed my wepons. I hand two hand guns which slid into my belt, and I had one large blade which I wore in a pouch on my back ,a small knife in my right boot, and lastly a bigger gun in my hands. Of course dispite all of this I was still nervous considering the house wasn't that hard to get into. On top of all of that where I lived was a direct area to purge in. Not to mention all the gangs who live in my area with out the purge. I jumped as I heard the first gun shot. Followed by screams. It sounded close. I looked at my cameras to see what was going on. My heart stopped. A hooded figure stepped into view. "Let us purge" he said somehow as if he knew I could hear. I shut the door to the room I was in and made sure to lock it. He walked down the street looking for a prey. "Please anyone help me I am stuck my father just died and I'm afraid I'm going to die soon" a crying girl yelled out. She looked about nine. Just walk away. I tell myself. I see the hooded figure returning from a different camera and I know she will die if I don't help her. I sigh and decide to take down the door barrier and help her. I rush out just as she screams. A girl with a knife is dancing around the scared little girl. I went to go shoot her but the hooded figure returned and knocked the gun out of my hand. "Fuck" I mutter. "You make a move I'll shoot you" I put my hands up in surrender as I feel the cold metal pressed to my head. "Drop all your wepons including the one in your boot. If you try anything your dead in a heartbeat." I nodd feeling tears coming. I was gonna die. I did as he said and put my weapons to the floor. "Wow you really came prepaired" the hoodie said with a snicker. I whipped around as the little girl screamed. "No" I heard someone scream. I realized I was the one who said "no". I heard a gun shot as I squeezed my eyes shut anticipating the pain.

I heard a scream and I jump back behind a building. As I peak out I see a little girl crying as a woman smiling dances with a knife. Before I could help her another figure dashes out. It was a woman she was in all black and she was definitely armed well enough. Before she could say anything a figure stopped behind her and made her put all of her wepons down. I clenched onto my gun. I don't help people. Its normal for people to die. I heard a scream and the woman yell "no". Dispite what the guys tell me I have to help them. I run and shoot the guy. Then I help the ten year old. "Come on sweetie you can come with me I'll protect you" the woman says crouching down to her size. She then looks up at me. "Thank you for saving me out there." I nodd at her. There was a blast that had glass flying everywhere. "No that was my house!" the woman screamed. Her house was now in fire. "Come on you two that wasn't a safe place anyways" I told them and started walking.

I took the little girls hand and followed the boy. He knew how to work a gun pretty well and he was very cautious about everything. He did save us both and I'm grateful. if it weren't for him I would be dead. "So what's your names?" I ask to make conversation. "My name's Katie." the little girl replied. I smiled down at her. "The names Harry" the guy replied quickly. "Well I'm Skylar" I say. We all duck out of sight as we hear a scream and a gun shot. We are in a dark alley way now. My heart is beating a thousand times a minute it seems like. We approach a metal door. Harry knocked once and raped against it. The door opened revealing pure darkness. "Come on your gonna be okay." He assures us. Katie goes right in. "Its you either go in and trust me or it's stay out there and most likely die with no place to go" I sigh and walk in. As soon as we are in I hear the door slam and I can't see a thing. Lights turn on to reveal a couch with a big flat screen t.v. and four guys sitting there. I gasp and point my gun at them. They all raise their hands up. I get hit on the head and my hands behind my back. The gun drops with a thud and I'm fighting back pain. "Really? I have to take your only weapon away? They won't do any thing." Harry sighs as I struggle. "Harry What the hell are you doing with that demon spawned from hell?" a guy with blond hair snaps. Before Harry can respond I break free and lunge at the guy. Before I could hit him he knocked me in the head with the side of his gun. Everything was turning blurry. I then blacked out.
Harry's POV

I caught skylar before her head hit the floor. "Really niall? She wasn't any harm with out a weapon" I protest putting her on the couch with a blanket. "That thing is a danger" he spouts pointing to skylar as if she was an alien. "She's not a thing and grow up niall you know she wouldn't really hurt you" I point a finger at him. He then sighs. "Fine Fine I just was bored and I dont really like her, plus she did point a gun at me" he pointed out. "She was just afraid you cant blame her for that" I protest. I have no clue why I am protecting the girl. She had faded red and brown hair and pretty plump lips. She was tiny and she had pretty Rosie cheeks. "Well someone has gone all soft in the group. Soft people cannot preform their job well." niall screamed at me. It honestly didn't faze all. I listening to the girl breathing beside me and gunshots. I felt a strange comfort and urge to keep her safe. I hear a gunshot from the other room and I jump up. I see Zayn with a gun and a bloody little body. "Zayn! What was that for?" I yell at him. "What? She was annoying" he sighs and shrugs his shoulders. "Fine I guess we are going to have to tell skylar that it was snipers from the window. Before she freaks" Zayn looked confused with this. "You named it?? You know once you name it your gonna wanna keep it" niall snaps. I clench my fists. "That's her name first off.. Second of all she's not an it so knock it off". There was a scream coming from the living room.
Skylar's point of view

I wake up and open my eyes the meet another pair of eyes. I scream. The guy doesn't even flinch. Be keeps starring at me. Harry rushes in. "Liam what are you doing" he asks with his arms folded. "I'm just looking at her.. Sheesh I just wanted to know why you like her so much" Liam says with his hands up. He looks down my shirt and I swing at him only for him to dodge it. "Now I know why" Liam says to Harry and skickers. "Hey I don't like her like that! Do none of you guys know how to act around a girl?" he questions. I sit up and walk past liam. I hit him first and rush to Harry. "Ouch what was that for you little demon?" Liam asks as I hide behind Harry as harry is sitting laughing at him. "She looks like an angel to me.. I mean I didn't see anything" Harry says and shrugs his shoulders throwing a wink at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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