Now You See Me - A Niall Horan Smut Shot

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"Oh God, Niall," I moaned as he pushed us into the room slamming the door behind us. Niall quickly walked us over to the bed and threw me down.

"Babe," he panted, "I wanna try something." A smirk came over his face and he licked his lips.

"Okay..." I answered hesitantly, unsure of what he had planned. I stood up from the bed with Niall and he immediately began digging through the drawer beside our bed. After a couple of seconds, his hands reemerged holding a strip of black silk.

"Do you trust me?" Niall asked, a devilish grin spreading across his face.

"Completely," I answered, slightly breathless. Niall took two short steps towards me. He brushed the hair off of my shoulders, leaving a lingering kiss on my now bare neck. He smirked before he covered my eyes with the black fabic, causing my world to go black. Upon losing my sight, the rest of my senses heightened. My body went on edge.

I felt him grab the bottom hem of my shirt. His fingertips grazed my hips slightly as he pulled the shirt over my head, rubbing his hands up my sides, causing goose bumps to rise on my  skin. I felt his hands on my spine, next. He ran them all the way up from my pants line to the clasp of my bra. His hands quickly undid the familiar strap and I arched my back as he slid it down my arms to the floor. My world was still black as I stood in front of Niall completely topless. I couldn't feel his touch anywhere on my body, I could only hear his quiet, short breaths.

The next touch I felt was right below my belly button. He hooked his first two fingers into the hem of my jeans, popping open the button and pulling the zipper down. I felt him firmly grasp my hips and walk me backwards. I followed his lead until the backs of my knees hit the bed. Niall pushed me down, lightly, playfully. I giggled at his gesture as I felt my jeans being wiggled from my hips. He hooked his fingers in my jeans and underwear, tugging both garments down my legs. I felt the air conditioning in the room hit my newly exposed skin, causing goose bumps to rise on my legs and arms. 

"Niall," I questioned, not feeling any touch on my body for a matter of seconds. The next touch I felt was Niall pushing my body up the bed so I was laying down with my legs no longer off the edge. I felt him lay his body over mine next. I felt his bare chest against mine as he had stripped down to only his boxers. I could feel his throbbing length against my hips too. The thought of what he could do drove my body nuts. 

I felt Niall lick up my neck. His hot breath collided with my skin as he dragged his tongue from my collar bone to the hinge of my jaw. My jaw dropped slightly as my breathing started to go ragged. Niall lifted his body from mine and I ached from loss of contact. Four seconds went by and I felt him kiss the valley between my breasts. Another two seconds and a kiss inbetween my ribs. Five seconds, and a kiss right below my belly button. A patch of goose bumps grew at every place he touched his lips to. He was working his way down...

I shook with a sense of urgency, knowing his mouth was hovering just inches above my wet core. I counted down the seconds in my head. 'One...' 'Two...' And that's when I felt him. A gust of cold air collided with my heat, causing me to moan out and arch my back in pleasure. Niall plunged his tongue inside of me and then slowly dragged it out and up my wet slit. I moaned out and reached down desperately trying to grab for his hair. I tried to sit my body up, trying to find Niall between my legs but I felt nothing. I felt no touch and I couldn't find Niall. 

Just then I felt a body press up against my front and the palm of a hand on my back. Niall laid me back as he stayed pressed against me. He laid against me for ten seconds. My body felt paralysed, anticipating his next move. After the ten seconds the blind fold was ripped from me. I hardly had time to take in the wild look in his eyes, or how swollen his lower lip was before he slammed into me. 

With my new found sight and heightened senses my body was in over drive. My legs wrapped around Niall's waist as he rolled his hips into mine. Niall's bright blue eyes were boreing into mine. He took his lower lip inbetween his teeth and bit down hard. I arched my back up high so my breasts were pressed against his chest. 

Something in Niall switched and he couldn't take it anymore. He released his bottom lip and grabbed mine with his teeth instead. A moan escaped from my mouth and Niall started to move his hips faster. He moved his arm underneith my back so that he could hold my upper body closer to him. My breasts pressed into his chest and my pleasure heightened even more. My head rolled back as I closed my eyes and Niall immediately began to attack my neck. The combination of Niall rolling his hips into mine and his lips on my neck was enough to make my world start to go white. 

Sensing my oncoming orgasm, Niall started to roll into me faster, slamming his hips with mine. My head snapped back up and my hands attached to his golden hair. Niall began to grunt as his stomach muscles started to contract. I could tell he was holding on for me. His hands snaked down to my breasts and started to massage them. My eyes drifted shut and I let myself go over the edge. From behind my eye lids my world went white, and I could feel myself shaking with over whelming pleasure. I felt Niall's sweaty chest connect with mine as he clapsed onto me. I pressed my body into his as I kissed him deeply, taking ahold of his lower lip with my teeth and relishing in the way his skin created fire against mine. 

Niall cuddled his face into my neck as I stared at the ceiling, attempting to catch my breath. I closed my eyes and began to pet his hair that was now damp with sweat. Niall lifted his head from my neck and looked me in the eyes. He planted a gentle kiss on my nose and a gentler one on my lips.

"You'll have to do this to me again," I whispered in his ear as I tangled my fingers in the damp hair at the nape of his neck. A wide smile spread across Niall's face at the thought.

"Only if you're good," he whispered back.

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