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the rest weekend passed by in a blur, and every moment about it was enjoyable, even with your boyfriend's ex being their, you still managed to make it a fun experience for you and your friends

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the rest weekend passed by in a blur, and every moment about it was enjoyable, even with your boyfriend's ex being their, you still managed to make it a fun experience for you and your friends. and you successfully did so

although, you picked up a few things considering ochako and midoriya, you didn't think much of it because it's normal for exes to be friends right? at least that's what you thought

until you witnessed something you didn't want to witness

the ride home with midoriya was awkward, naturally it would be because what was there to talk about? he, bring the over-analyzing person he is, could obviously tell something was wrong. you quickly stopped him when you saw he was trying to approach the situation

"i'm fine Izuku, i'll see you monday" you mumbled, hardly keeping eye contact with him

"alright, i love you"

the moment he uttered those words, you drove off, for a few reasons; number one being, you didn't want him to see your tears

and number two; you weren't quite sure if you loved him back

you laid in bed, you didn't know for how long you've been laying there, but you knew you didn't wanna get up soon.

him saying those words have apparently made you emotional enough to drown your tears into one of your hoodies while watching total drama

lucky for you, your mom wasn't home, so she didn't have to hear the uncontrollable cries you let out once you let him know that any hope you both had for your relationship would be put to a stop

i swear after i finish this book, i'm done writing in all lower-case


𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐚 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 › i. midoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now