12. Best Friends 🍒

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Writer's pov

Kalpana sighed looking at her best friend crying continuously. Now it's been almost 1 hour. After coming back from Shrey's home, she did not stop sobbing even for once. Kalpana was worried that she will get sick.

" Arii, tomorrow is our farewell baby, please stop crying now. Don't ruin your mood for him. Weren't we preparing for that day from so long? Why are you ruining your mood now? "

" I... Don't want... to attend the farewell. " Arini replied sobbing.

Rolling her eyes, Kalpana stood up. She couldn't bear the stupid answer of Arini.
" Why? Just because of that asshole? "

" Kalpana, don't call him like that please. "

" Oh please, will you stop? You're still taking his side. Can't you just see his behavior? There's nothing good in him. Open your eyes and see " Kalpana raised her voice slightly this time.

" Shrey... "

" Chaku mardungi Arini uska naam agar liya toh"

( I'll cut you with knife if you take his name again)

" No it was my fault. I wasn't practicing and talking about farewell that's why he became angry. " Looking at her empty lap, Arini replied.

Sighing with disappointment, Kalpana shook her head.

" Listen to me Arii, don't ruin your precious moments for a boy please. I beg you. He doesn't even care. Did he even apologize to you? " Kalpana tried to reason out.

Arini shook her head and more tears came out. " He told me to leave. "

" Then? Do you want me to give you more reasons? Enough of chasing him now, enough of getting hurt and crying. He is not a king or anything that you have to cry for him. Give me a smile right now and match earrings with your saree for tomorrow. " Kalpana scolded Arini this time. She always takes care of her childish, innocent bestie. Sometimes Kalpana feels like being Arini's mother.

Arini smiled in tears.

" Arini abh chaku mardungi bhagwaan kasam. "

( arini, I'll stab knife in your stomach, I'm saying on God)

" Kyuuuu? I'm smiling, see. " Arini narrowed her eyes and pointed on her face.

( whyyyyyy?)

" Wipe those. " Kalpana wiped her tears. " Don't smile with tears. "

She started showing Arini her earrings one by one to match a proper one with their attire. Arini was smiling looking at her best friend. She was thanking God inside for giving her a precious friend.

" Kalpana I love you. Thanks for staying always. " She blabbered out of blue to which Kalpana looked at her. " You know I will cry again for Shrey after some minutes & thank you in advance cause you will stay with me at that moment too I know." She added.

They both bursts into laughing. " I will kill you for sure if you cry again for that human." Kalpana fake warned.

" You can't stop me but what you can do is, wipe my tears "

Kalpana pulled her in a hug and said, " Always baby but you need to stop chasing him. He's taking your advantage, he knows you can't be angry with him so he shouts at you whenever he wants. "

" Kalpu, I'm worried. I saw bruises and cut on his face. He wasn't putting medicine there too. What happened to him, Kalpu? "

" I don't know. Nor I want to know. You too don't need to know and start planning for our farewell. Come on Arini, it's the last day in school "

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