Smut chapter begin...

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With a small giggle, a pretty tall man - over 6'2 -, with silky blonde hair and shining, rainbow colored eyes, the paradise's cult leader was standing behind the upper moon three's door - which led to his fortress -.

The man knocked on the door, calling for his friends' name before sliding it open while smiling smugly. He looked around the place, rolling his eyes as he searched for the shorter man, ominousness shining in his beautiful eyes

" Ah, Akaza-dono~ Where are you? I came to pay you a visit since we haven't talked in a really long time~ "

He chirped out as he stepped in, tapping his blue nails against the door frame, not caring if he would get yelled at by the man, telling him to leave his fortress and fuck himself. it would be just enjoyable for him anyway

" Ah, such an adorable little place you have.. I bet it looks as adorable as you...~ Well anyway~ where aree you? "

An averaged height demon with stripes around his body and pink fluffy hair was standing above the ceiling. He felt a presence come near his fortress. He heard the voice that always annoyed him day by day. He stared down at him in silence. He groaned silently and rolled his eyes, mumbling a sentence to himself.

"Gods give me strength..."

He kept his glare on him, his eyes slightly lowered at Douma's flirt commentary. He snapped his fingers from above to get Douma's attention. As much as he wanted Douma to just leave, he know it wouldn't work so he just decided to greet him for a moment to get whatever that was going to happen over with.

"I'm up here. What is it.."

Douma quickly turned his head to look up. The smile on his face got wider as he stared at the man. He waved his hand cheerfully, then pointed at the floor as a sign for him ' to come down '.

" How cute, you noticed me quicker than usual~ makes my heart melt.. "

He cooed, waiting for the man, not blinking. Douma had always been a flirtatious person. He usually spent time with the ladies in his cult, playing fun games with them. The only problem is, that it had started to become more boring to him these days, and he wanted to test out something else.

Akaza sighed and jumped down from off the ceiling, landing on his feet, and looking up at him. He rolled his eyes once more.

"Do you need something?.."

He crossed his arms, he had his deadpanned expression like always. He felt annoyed already, but he kept himself calm. He awaited a response from the demon he was looking up at.

Douma stared at him for a while, before taking a step forward, making a war fan grow out of his arm. He then flipped the fan shut, placing the cold steel under the pink-haired man's chin, and lifting it up. He continued to have that stupid-looking grin on his face.

" Mhm, I don't really need anything... Just wanting to test some things out "

He cooed, lowering his head, being able to whisper this to the shorter man's ear. He then closed his eyes, expecting his head to punched off - as usually would happen if he'd get this close to him -.

Akaza watched him step forward, slightly shivering at the cold fan getting pressed against his chin. He slightly inhaled at the cold feeling. He slightly clenched his fists while gritting his teeth.

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