Roy's Better Day (Pt. 1)

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Roy woke up with a groan, the light hit his face, which was covered mostly by one of his plush toys, that strangely enough, was a plush among us character (yes he actually enjoyed the game, though he didn't just admit that.) , it was yellow, Ross and Rob had matching ones, with them being their favorite colors of course, he was so glad it was one of the things his father and mother hadn't truly cared he had (not that they payed too much attention to him nowadays anyways, just that he was respectable in public.)

He looked over to the alarm clock on his bedside table, he sighs, it was only 7:45, damn. He decided to try to get some more rest, but his body would not allow him that, oh no, his mind was racing, of what "adventures" him and his two best friends would allow to happen to them today. He grabs his phone, hissing in pain when the bright screen burned his eyes, opening discord, he and Ross didn't really have real numbers yet, Rob did, however.

'Hey guys' He typed into the small group-chat, one of the few he had, however, this is one of the only ones he ever chat in, besides the one that had him, Ross, Rob, and Susie in it, speaking of Susie, he'd wondered if she had done another art live-stream last night, sure, her little brother and his annoying friend got on his nerves, but he decided a long time ago it was better to be friends with Susie than not, he and his crew actually enjoyed her company!

Oh!, finally!, a chat bubble was popping up!, Ross was typing!, 'Hey!, Good morning dude!' Roy's often quiet friend responded, soon after, Rob was typing!, he sat there and waited, usually Rob liked to put a lot of thought and effort into what he said anyways, 'Good morning friends!, how was your sleep last night?, have any dreams?' he had written intrigued and eager to know if anything interesting had happened the night before.

Roy chuckled as they answered each others questions gleefully, continuing to do so for an hour before all of the boys had decided to finally get ready for the day. He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, added his necessities (deodorant, cologne, whatever he felt like putting on that day), and finally got dressed in his favorite striped sweater, he observed himself in the mirror real quick, combed out his hair, and put on his cap, today was gonna be great!

'Ready!, meet me in front of the candy club when you guys can!' He texted the guys, they both agreed and finished getting themselves ready. Roy quickly ran out the door, passing his mother and father,both working on their very expensive laptops, they seemed to be writing articles, but Roy didn't care what they were doing, just as long as they did not bother him, even though he wished they would sometimes, oh well, off he went to go meet up with Rob and Ross, joy in his heart and a smile etched on his face.

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