The Rabbit

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Something is moving in the garden.

I stare at the bushes, bracing myself for the horrifying creature that is about to emerge. As the rustling grows louder I grab my discarded text book, ready to fight. I watch as something lunges from the foliage, nose twitching, its ears standing upright...

It's a fox? I step closer. No... it's a rabbit.

But not for long. I watch in horror as something else emerges from the bushes and pounces. The rabbit lets out one final squeal.

The first thing my brain registers is a claw. Sharp and covered in some sort of green goo. Then I hear it, the creature's breathing, heavy, and ragged, as if desperate for air. My eyes travel up the creature's bony arms to his face, if it could even be called a face. His eyes were not eyes, but red hollowed out holes. His nose was non-existent. His mouth, decked out with yellow pointed teeth, dripping with purple saliva.

"Let. Me. In." It whispers. I drop my book.

I crawl backward, reaching out behind me for the door handle. I can't take my eyes off the monster, his head smooshed up against the glass. "Let. Me. In. Or else." It whispers, louder this time.

I feel the brass of the door handle in my hand. I pull myself up and into the hall, just as I hear the back door click slowly open.

Against my better judgement I look over my shoulder, the creature is gaining on me. Three legs sprout through the monster's leathery skin, each one a different colour; green, red, purple. It scales the stairs like a spider. Each leg and arm moves in a different direction. Its head swivels around like a mutated owl. As it smashes holes in walls it knocks family photos to the ground. The glass frames shattering on impact.

I fling myself into my room, putting all my weight against the door. But it's pointless.

I watch in horror as my door splinters and one long green claw thrusts itself through. The door comes off its hinges with a resounding snap. I feel the urge to crawl up into a ball and slam my eyes shut. I feel the urge to run and jump out my window. But, I am frozen in fear, my eyes locked on the six-foot titan that stands above me. It's purple drool dripping down onto my face. 

I snap awake. Through the window the sun is beginning to peek through the clouds, lighting up every corner of my room. The only change from last night, is the rabbit's bloodied skeleton at the foot of my bed. 

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