𝒊𝒊. ignorant sky people

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twoignorant sky people

JUNIPER WAS IN DISBELIEF AT THE SIMILARITY THE FIGURE HAD TO TOM SULLY. Every instinct that Juniper had told her to pounce and attack the man, yet Neytiri pulled her along as they continued following him. The woman Na'vi kept her bow in her grasp—at one stage when having a clear shot, she readied her stance. Yet, she was cut off by a seed of the sacred tree landing on her bow.

Neytiri took it as a sign to not shoot the man and continued to trail after him, though Juniper felt rage boil her blood. She wanted to watch the man's life fade from his eyes and make him feel the pain she endured because of him—that's if it were Tom Sully like Juniper thought. But he was a sky person nonetheless.

Night had fallen, the moon lighting up the forests and highlighting the luminescence plants of the place. It was beautiful. If circumstances were different, Juniper would stand and take in the environment around her and have a smile on her face. However, her face was stern as she kept a glare, eyeing the man as he created a fire on a stick.

Growls echoed throughout the forest, and Juniper raised her brows at the Viperwolves surrounding the man. The way he acted and was unknown to the forest made it clear that this wasn't Tom, but Juniper still had anger running through her blood. The mere thought of a sky person brought Juniper on edge.

The unknown Na'vi wavered the stick flamed in front of the creatures as they growled, eyes hungrily staring at their prey. Juniper stayed on the man's tail as he walked, separating herself from Neytiri. Juniper crawled through the thick branches of the trees, managing out of sight. Though she was his last worry seeming as if the Viperwolves were catching up.

He was cornered. The stick on fire was the only thing the man had to defend himself, swaying it around frantically. As Juniper observed the man's movements, it wasn't Na'vi but yelled out sky person, "I don't have all goddamn night," He called to the Viperwolves, and Juniper tilted her head at the language he used: English, "come on! Come on!"

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