Maybe More

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Porchay was waiting outside the high end apartment building playing with his phone. Macau had told him that he'd just be a moment but Chay has been sitting in the car longer than twenty minutes. He was about to call his friend when the door to the passenger seat flew open and a smiling Macau peeked his head in. "Hi," I said still standing outside.

"Dude, we're going to be late just get in," Chay said starting up the car.

Macau grumbled about how he wasn't that late as he climbed in. Chay huffed as he looked back at his friend. The boy had toothpaste on his cheek and it seemed he wasn't aware of it, "When did you get up?"

"Um... about thirty minutes ago?"  Macau replied looking at himself in the sunshade mirror.


"Yes yes, today's an important day and I should take this seriously. I know. It's just... I couldn't fall asleep last night so I ended up reading the book you recommended and I have to say, Rhysand could get it. Anyway I think I blacked out some time after four? I don't know so can we get coffee first??"

"Flask in the back," Chay said ignoring everything but the last part of Macau's rambling.

"An angel, I swear," he gushed taking a sip of the cold caffinated beverage, "So... why exactly do I need to attend Earth's book signing?"

Macau didn't like Chay's boyfriend, at all. During the six months they'd been together Chay had quite literally lost most of his confidence and turned into nothing more than Earth's pet. Macau hated it of course. He hated everyone Chay dated but he couldn't say anything. He didn't know how to so he was waiting for the clown to slip up and it was taking longer than he'd anticipated.

"Macau..." Chay started.

"You know I don't like the guy. Something about him is just... off," he explained "I don't know why you're even with him."

"Can't you at least pretend to like him? You know he's important to me," Chay argued.

"I know he's not good for you."

"Macau, come on. If you gave him a chance you'd see that he's not so bad. And I really like him."

"Chay, baby, you've been saying the same thing for the last what, six months? I still don't see it now can we please stop talking about him. I prefer not to think about him more than necessary."

Chay just huffed and turned his full attention back to the road. He hated how Macau always did that. Nobody was ever good enough for Chay. If only he had someone in his life, that would keep him occupied enough to let Chay live.

They spent the rest of the drive to the venue in silence with Macau brooding and Chay just listening to the faint sound of Macau's breathing. Yes he was mad at him but the mere presence of Macau always calmed him so he couldn't really stay mad at the boy if they were together. It had always been that way since they were kids. It didn't matter what Macau did or said, all he had to do was spend a few minutes around Chay and all would be forgiven. Chay also couldn't stay mad at someone else as long as Macau was around. He knew Macau would be pissed enough for the both of them so he spent his energy just being.

When they arrived at the venue Chay looked at himself fixing his hair and making sure he looked presentable enough. Not that he had to double check. His stylist had made sure he was a picture of perfection before he left home and Macau would have told him had anything been out of place but he did it either way. "You know you look perfect, why are you fussing?" Macau asked smoothing out Chay's collar.

"I don't know I... I'm just nervous I guess," Chay tried to smile but turned to messing with his hair and collar  again.

"Okay that's enough. Let's gooooo!" Macau opened the car door and stepped out pulling a pair of Prada sunglasses over his eyes.

Chay and Macau were a walking example of two best friends with completely different aesthetics. Macau was dressed in black head to toe with his buttons undone to show enough skin. His sleeves were also rolled up displaying his tanned arms. He was the kind of man who drew you in with a single glance and left you broken at his feet after while Chay was the exact opposite. Porchay was very soft and gentle man. He was dressed in Khaki dress pants and a dusty blue golf shirt that hugged his biceps ever so slightly. He didn't look like it but he worked out quite a lot when he wasn't writing songs or doing interviews. If some people had a sleeper build then Chay's was knocked out.

The two walked in side by side turning heads as they went both for different reasons. Macau was heir to a big record company while Chay was an upcoming artist under the same company. The duo was growing in popularity as people speculated about their relationship and their private lives.

The hall was quite empty as there was still an hour before the signing started. Chay left Macau alone while he went to talk to Earth's manager. He'd only been gone a moment but when he turned back around Macau was talking to one of the staff. He was flashing her his million dollar smile. The one he flashed most people before they willingly ruined themselves for him. He didn't know why but he felt his heart sink as he watched the interaction.

After a while Macau finally looked over to Chay leaving the the girl looking at him with heart eyes. Macau rested his hand on the small of Chay's back for a second while he asked why he looked upset. Chay simply shook his head taking full notice of his best friend's hand on him. "Earth's manager says he's in the back talking to the planners so I'll just go check on him. Wait here for me?"

"Mn. I'll probably go get another coffee before I pass out," he said nodding his head in the direction of the coffee shop across the road from where they were.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit."

With that Chay walked away leaving an irritated Macau to go on a coffee run.

Porchay was excited to see Earth. They hadn't met up in a week because he'd been in Phuket for a concert and a few radio interviews. He made his way to the back rooms and followed a set a voices hoping it'd lead him to his boyfriend. It did. Only what he saw wasn't what he'd been expecting.

Earth had a short lady who looked like she was part of the staff trapped between his arms. He was talking to her and she stood there squirming and blushing under his gaze. Chay should have been upset. He knew he should have felt upset but he stood watching. Waiting for them to do more. Waiting for Earth to actually screw up and he did. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on the woman's forehead and then one on either cheek, then nose until finally finishing on her lips.

Chay waited until they broke the kiss, "Earth," he said in a steady voice.

The man pulled away from the woman at Chay's voice, "Chay I..." he started but Chay out up a hand to stop him.

"Don't. I just came here to congratulate you but I guess there's two causes for celebration now."

The man furrowed an eyebrow at his boyfriend who just smiled menacingly at him, "The first, on your first book being a hit, kinda, and also on being a single man again. Have a good life and all that."

"Wait Chay!" Earth called out.

"Goodbye Earth."

With that Chay walked away. With every step he took he felt a weight being pulled off his shoulders it almost made him cry. He walked back into the hall which was now filling up with people and then out the building. He had just broken up with his boyfriend so why did he feel so happy about it?

He made his way across the street and found Macau staring at a slice of chocolate cake. He took the seat next to him and just smiled at him, "What happened to you?" Macau asked.

"Nothing. I just realised two things," he said still looking at Macau.


"The first, I'm an idiot and the second..." he hesitated and bit down on his lip.

"The second?" Macau urged reaching over to release Chay's lip from his teeth before he drew blood.

"I'm an idiot for not realising I like you sooner."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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